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Dekuzu Posts

Will Apple, Google and Microsoft stay in Russian market?

Such companies like Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon and others with diversified business activities almost around the world are also presented in Russian internal market. Except such companies there are also Russian digital companies in Russia, but mostly with foreign owner or stakeholder, i.e. such companies are also in some sense a foreign companies. The most problem in competition with foreign market players in Russian internal market is rough and sometimes unreasonable regulation affecting Russian market players.

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Rostelecom proposed to collect digital traces of Russians citizens

The Russian major telecommunication operator, providing different telecommunication services in Russia, has proposed to collect so called “digital traces” of Russian citizens under the control of Russian state. In other words the monopolist Rostelecom want control almost all aspects of life of Russian citizens.

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First criminal sentence in Russia for illegal online cinema

The blocking of web-resources doesn’t work effectively in the fight with online piracy in Russia. Actually restriction of access in Russia is possible under the court order in relation to certain address, mostly it is domain name. It is also possible to block mirror web-site, i.e. the site almost identical with blocked one, but with different domain name. But it is also is not as effective as right holders desire. Therefore the measures are going to be rigorous.

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Russian Github and free internet in Russia

Almost all software developers know what Githubis, including those who resides and works in Russia. Github belongs to Microsoft – the huge international company, having its presence even in Russia. The Russian ministry of economic development (MinEc) has proposed to create the Russian analogue of Github, in a case if Github would be blocked in Russia. Certainly such idea needs significant funding to be realized. Certainly MinEc has proposed to allocate in state budget the funding for realizing of this idea – the Russian Github.

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Russian government will create the Russian Wikipedia

The Russian officials already long time talk about substitution of Wikipedia by its Russian analogue in Russia. Actually the Russian wikipedia is not supposed to be created like its famous analogue. The Russian president endorses digitisation of Russian soviet encyclopedia, in other words the new encyclopedia is to be created centralized by the authors under editor’s control and on account of Russian state.

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It is not good to much advertising in cinema legislators believe and little bit more for today

The new draft law providing limits for advertising is introduced for consideration in Russian state duma. The law aims to reduce the duration of advertising showing before film running. The reason is the advertising can lasts from 15 to 30 minutes. Actually the viewers use this time in order to buy something to make movie viewing more pleasant. The legislators believe the advertising is shown contrary to the will of viewers in violation of Russian law. But the draft law does not provide liability for its violation.

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Third edition of USA copyright office compendium – Copyrightable Authorship in Choreographic Works

The U.S. Copyright Office may register a claim to copyright in a choreographic work, provided that (i) the work is a dance; (ii) the dance constitutes copyrightable subject matter under Section 102(a)(4) of the Copyright Act; (iii) the dance contains a sufficient amount of choreographic authorship; and (iv) the dance was created by a human author for human performers.

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