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Proposed amendments to Marrakesh Directive

Persons who are blind, visually impaired or otherwise print disabled continue to face many barriers in accessing books and other print material which are protected by copyright and related rights. Taking into consideration the social interests of granting such persons the right of access to information and the right to participate in cultural, economic and social life, on an equal basis with others, measures need to be taken to increase the availability of those works in accessible formats and to improve their circulation in the internal market, within the conditions set forth in this Directive, in order to ensure access to knowledge and information.

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CISAC’s public comment on collective management rules review

The network of reciprocal representation agreements developed by CISAC and signed by its members ensures that author’s rights are protected and administered around the world and that each CMO is in a position to offer licensing solutions that cover broad repertoire. This system also ensures that royalties flow to authors wherever they are in the world.

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The Intellectual Property (Unjustified Threats) Act 2017 Business Guidance – Defences and Professional advisers

If the act which is the subject of a threat is shown to be an infringing act, or an intended act that (if carried out) would be infringing, the threat is justified. Justified threats of infringement are allowed. A person having made a threat may defend themselves in an unjustified threats action by showing that the threat was justified because infringement actually occurred or was intended.

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Russian ministry of culture proposed to “impose” private copying levy on smart watch

Russian ministry of culture (MinCult) intends to amend relevant governmental decree in order to collect private copying levy from smart watch. Amendments are already agreed in order to be proposed to government. At the same time it is also proposed to exclude digital video cameras from taxable equipment.

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Draft third edition of USA copyright office compendium – compilations and collective works

A compilation or a collective work may be registered with the U.S. Copyright Office, provided that it constitutes copyrightable subject matter. If the authorship involved in creating the compilation or collective work as a whole (i.e., the author’s selection, coordination, and/or arrangement) does not fall within one or more of the congressionally established categories of authorship, the registration specialist may communicate with the applicant if the authorship appears questionable or may refuse registration.

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When plagiarism in design is a more likely the matter of competition than copyright

One Russian publishing house “Azbuka-Attikus” has filed complaint to the Moscow department of Russian Federal Anticompetitive Service (MDFAS) in relation to other publishing house “Eksmo”. According to complaint “Eksmo” has copied design of book covers created by “Azbuka”.

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One Russian major book publishing house decided to pay for information on pirates

Thanks to internet it is not so easy for book publishers to survive in market realities. Many books are available in internet and not always in accordance with law and with permission of right holder. One Russian publishing house decided to pay for information on their books which were counterfeited in hard copies. The informant can receive up to 10% from value of counterfeited books.

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The Intellectual Property (Unjustified Threats) Act 2017 Business Guidance – Permitted communication and Remedies

The Act introduces a ‘safe harbour’ of ‘permitted communications’ which allow parties to communicate and take some steps towards resolving disputes without running the risk of triggering litigation. The provisions allow rights holders to attempt to identify the source of infringement by engaging with those further down the supply chain under a clear framework.

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