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Draft third edition of USA copyright office compendium – Typeface and Mere Variations of Typographic Ornamentation and Mere Copies

The copyright law does not protect typeface or mere variations of typographic ornamentation or lettering. A typeface is a set of letters, numbers, or other symbolic characters with repeating design elements that are consistently applied in a notational system that is intended to be used in composing text or other combinations of characters. Typeface includes typefonts, letterforms, and the like.

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In order to implement agenda on Russian digital economy will be created special commission

Russian prime-minister Dmitry Medvedev has signed two governmental decrees. One decree establishes commission on digital economy. Under this decree the commission has the right to make decision by absent voting. The decision can be made by the majority of the participated votes. More than half of commission members, who have the vote, must attend the voting; otherwise the decision will be unenforceable.

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Russia intends to create its own system able to filter all traffic

This system should protect children from negative and dangerous content. As it is declared, a special “white list” of web-sites will be created. This system would call National System of Internet-traffic filtration. Such system is provided in state agenda “Digital economy”. Currently the two options of its realisation are considered.

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Why Russian government dislikes draft law on false information in social networks?

Russian government proposed to overwrite the draft law proposing to oblige social networks, working or operating in Russian marketplace, to bear responsibility for content, or information, which users post or publish in such social networks. Social networks would be obliged to create special “administration” to handle issues with user’s content.

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The new program for Russian digital economy has been adopted

This program has been developed and adopted in order to implement new Strategy of development for informational society in Russia. This program is called “Digital economy of Russian Federation”. This program has its purposes. First of all it is intended to create ecosystem of Russian digital economy, where digital data should be the key factor of producing in all fields of social-economic activity.

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World Trade Organisation is not perfect, but there is no alternative

Russia has made a lot of efforts in order to be a member of World Trade Organisation. WTO requires member states to comply with its rules and concluded agreements. Russia, in its turn, does not comply with all requirements, but it is a member of WTO. Recently the chief of Russian ministry of economic development, Maksim Oreshkin, stated that WTO is not ideal and it needs optimization.

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Draft third edition of USA copyright office compendium – copyright for ideas, methods, facts

A work that has not been fixed is not protected by the Copyright Act and cannot be registered with the U.S. Copyright Office, although it might be eligible for protection under state law. The Office will not register works produced by nature, animals, or plants.

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