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Category: Uncategorised

Russian president proposed to change Russian patent system

“Russian patent system should be improved”, – believes the Russian president. “We have short terms of patent protection and registration procedures; they are shorter than those in USA, Europe and China,” – he added. But there are also some things, which should be taken into consideration – pre-patenting and other means of patent protection and prompt reaction. The system of patent protection should be streamlined.

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Russian enforcement authorities take the fighting with counterfeits very seriously

When Russian president has mentioned his concerns about the scales of counterfeits in Russian light industry, the Prosecutor General’s office has reported its achievements and statistics demonstrating what has been done. According to office it was revealed 19 thousands violations of law, including organization of illegal migration and violations of rules in the field of public procurement.

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Web-resource revealed payola conditions of its very good “colleague” – Match TV and Match TV are big “friends” in sport world. Sometimes they express “compliments” with each other. This time it was turn of The web-resource revealed payola conditions of Match TV. If you are football club and need promotion – pay and receive broadcasting time. The prices are good – it is big Russian federal channel.

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Draft third edition of USA copyright office compendium – De Minimis Authorship, Words and Short Phrases, Mere Listing, Characters and Scènes à Faire

The term “de minimis” comes from the legal principle “de minimis non curat lex,” which means “the law does not take notice of very small or trifling matters.” As the Supreme Court stated, “copyright protects only those constituent elements of a work that possess more than a de minimis quantum of creativity.” Works that contain no expression or only a de minimis amount of original expression are not copyrightable and cannot be registered with the U.S. Copyright Office.

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Russian ministry of culture has proposed amendments to cinematographic law aiming to bite Hollywood

Russian ministry of culture (MinCult) has proposed amendments to the Russian law on “State support of Russian cinematography”. These amendments reflect the idea to protect Russian cinema market from Hollywood’s “occupation” and to provide more opportunities in internal Russian marketplace for movies produced in Russia.

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Thin edge between legal succession and heritage or the matter of copyright and commercial exploitation of brand

The last few years the administration of Kazan annually organizes “Aksenov festival” in the memory of Russian writer Vasily Aksenov. For this event, “Aksenov Fest”, theatrical performances have been funded and Aksenov’s literary works have been published in Tartarian language. But Aksenov heirs are not involved in it. They did not receive royalties and were not asked about any permission to exploit Aksenov’s intellectual property. That is what the heirs of Aksenov don’t like.

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The Russian president is concerned of widespread counterfeiting in light industry

The counterfeiting in light industry is of chronic nature, he stated at the meeting on development of light industry. This problem undermines competition in internal market and causes a great risk to health of citizens. In 2013 the share of counterfeit was about 39% or more than 1100 billion Roubles. Today the share of counterfeit is about 33% or 860 billion Roubles. The dynamics for three years is not “impressive”. The key factor for development of light industry is elimination of counterfeiting and illegal import in Russia.

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In near future Russia will develop its own “digital law”

Within next five years Russia must develop its own digital law, believes deputy of Russian minister of economic development Savva Shipov. “Actually we need to create new digital law. It is necessary to achieve all these goals within next five years. It is maximum term we have. Afterwards it will be impossible to take a chance,” – he said.

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It was proposed to register traditional Russian patterns as trademarks

Russian Association uniting participants of art-industry marketplace (AURA) and National union of folk art-craft (NSHP) have proposed to Russian ministry of trade (MinTorg) to register graphical elements, typical to Russian folk craft, as trademarks. These two professional organisations along with MinTorg consider and discuss opportunity to protect traditional Russian pattern in Russian marketplace.

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