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European parliament on a coherent EU policy for cultural and creative industries

Employment in the cultural sector is unlikely to be offshored, as it is connected to specific cultural, often regional and historical competences. CCIs contribute significantly and more than any other sector to youth employment and have proved to be most resilient during the post-2008 economic crisis. It is increasingly rare for cultural and creative artists to be in permanent employment.

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Russian vice premier of Russian government instructed to establish common digital music library

Olga Golodec, the vice premier of Russian government, at the meeting of All-Russian choral society has instructed its members to establish single digital music library. Such library must consist of sheets music, texts and recordings of exemplary performance of musical works.

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Criticism can be insulting but it is not copyright infringement

This action principally concerns whether critical commentary on a creative video posted on YouTube constitutes copyright infringement. Matt Hosseinzadeh filed action in response to a video created by Ethan and Hila Klein, in which they comment on and criticize Hosseinzadeh’s copyrighted video. The Kleins’ criticism and commentary is interwoven with clips from the Hoss video.

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Some issues with trademark when it consists of surname

Kerry Earnhardt is the co-founder and CEO of KEI, the son of Dale Earnhardt (a professional race car driver who passed away in 2001), and the stepson of Teresa Earnhardt. In addition to racing cars professionally from 1992–2006, Kerry Earnhardt has developed other business ventures through KEI, including the EARNHARDT COLLECTION lifestyle brand. KEI has licensed the mark EARNHARDT COLLECTION to Schumacher Homes, Inc. for use in connection with custom home design and construction services.

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Russian Roskomandzor requires authority to check the relatives of mass media owners

Russian ministry of communication (MinCom) and Roskomandzor have developed and proposed new amendments to Russian law allowing this authority to check relative relationships of persons, who owns or controls mass media in Russia. Proposed amendments provide the Roskomnadzor with access to federal data base of registered acts of civil status.

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How Russian minister of culture resolved the dispute with copyright in popular cartoons between Danone and “Souzmulfilm”

There are a lot of popular Russian cartoons in Russia. Such cartoons have been produced in soviet times. Therefore almost nobody has cared about copyright. With appearance of private capital the copyright became a very important thing. Therefore the matter of copyright ownership suddenly arisen for some companies. Their business bases on copyright. Without rights in content the existence of such companies does not make a sense.

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The web-sites of organisations non grata in Russia can be blocked without court order

The Russian deputies have proposed to restrict access to web-sites of organisations, which have been avowed unwelcomed in Russia, in other words persona non grata, without court order. Under proposed draft law if the prosecutor or his deputies would identify the web-site of organisation, whose activity in Russia has been admitted unwelcomed, the Russian Roskomnadzor can order to restrict access to such web-site only under requirement of prosecutor or his deputy without court order.

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Tackling illegal content online

A harmonised and coherent approach to removing illegal content does not exist at present in the EU. Indeed, different approaches exist in the EU depending on Member States, content category, or type of online platform. A more aligned approach would make the fight against illegal content more effective. It would also benefit the development of the Digital Single Market and reduce the cost of compliance with a multitude of rules for online platforms, including for new entrants. It is important to stress that what constitutes “illegal” content is determined by specific legislation at the EU level, as well as by national law.

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The restriction of access to online stores in Russia will become the matter of taxation

Russian authorities want their piece of pie from borderless trade. Russian customers have positive experience in buying goods or services from abroad from foreign companies through their web-site or services available also in Russia. Russian customers pay real money and overseas companies make profits from such purchases, but Russian government does not receive taxes from such purchases, but it really wants to do.

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