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Roskomnadzor will monitor internet media

The purpose of new system is monitoring and detection of illegal content in internet media. Currently this system works in test mode in 19 regions of Russia. During 2016 it must be implemented in all regions. This system automatically collects and analyses content of all internet media and detects content, which infringes Russian legislation. Analytical core of this system is in the general radio frequency center. Declared intention is to make a quality of internet media within the territory of Russian Federation better. System also analyses comments and forums, but does not monitor entire internet due to financial reasons – not enough funds for this global purpose.

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Roskomnadzor Chief Aleksandr Zharov believes most popular torrent tracker websites will be permanently blocked in Russia in 2016

As Aleksandr Zharov stated, about 15 most popular torrent trackers due to right holders’ endeavours are included in list for permanent blocking. Decisions to block sites are appealed. But he believes these sites will be blocked in 2016. According to statistical data 95% of citizens don’t use tools to circumvent blocking of websites, therefore their traffic will significantly down.

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Removing Restrictions to e-Commerce.

Territorial restrictions and geo-blocking: digital content (copyright) (official)

Barriers to cross-border access to online content are often based on the territoriality of copyright and on licencing practices. In the audiovisual sector for example, copyright licences are generally awarded for national territories on an exclusive basis. As a result, an online content service in one member state may not be able to legally deliver the content to a consumer in another member state. Even when right holders hold the rights for all territories or when service providers are granted multi-territorial licences, they can decide to distribute the content on a territorial basis, thus segmenting the market. Therefore, business decisions also play a significant role in the limited availability of content across borders.

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Russian constitutional court decided whether Russian private copying levy is in accordance with Russian constitution

In its complaint to Constitutional court of Russian Federation “Nokia” ltd. asked the court to admit as contradicted to Constitution of Russian Federation, including to article 4 (part 2), 6 (part 2), 8, 15 (part 1), 19 (parts 1 and 2), 34 (part 1), 55 part 3) and 115 (part 1), a following legal provisions:

item 1 of article 1245 “Remuneration for free reproduction of phonograms and audiovisual works for private purposes” of Russian Civil code;

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Permanent blocking of has been appealed

As reported RBC, lawyers from public organisation “Roskomsvoboda” have appealed decision of Moscow Court to permanently block torrent website Initially it was filed “short version” of appeal by one of the user of website and within the week one more appeal to be filed by authors, whose right to disseminate information will be restricted by this permanent blocking. During the coming month other users of website can take a part in appeal. There is special site organised with purposes to fight blocking of – More than hundred users wish to take a part in appeal. Filed appeal can postpone permanent blocking at least for two months.

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New VAT reform in Russia for all

If the company provides customers in Russia with electronic services, it should pay VAT regardless of its place of incorporation. So it can be actually Russian company, incorporated outside of Russian jurisdiction or it can be foreign company, in both cases VAT must be applied. According to RBC, draft law introduces VAT for licences for software for personal computers and databases regardless of person selling it – whether Russian company or foreign company sells such licence.

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Foreign companies like Google and Apple may pay VAT in Russia even if they sell their services from abroad

As reported rbc, under new proposed draft law foreign companies, selling e-books, music, software, must pay VAT in Russia, even if they sell goods or services in Russia from abroad. This law can cause increase of prices for images, software, music, movies, games, e-books. It was proposed to impose VAT also on advertising in internet and hosting services. According to statement of Vladimir Parahin, one of the authors among others, foreign companies are the main suppliers of such services in Russia. He believes it is not fair, if someone downloads software through App Store on a territory of Russia, and Apple pays nothing to Russian budget. Russian companies pay VAT to Russian budget. Such disparity forces Russian companies to incorporate abroad in order to avoid taxation. It is not good for Russian budget.

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