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Now it seems clear why German Klimenko, Russian president’s counsellor on internet, believes copyright protection in Russia can wait

Mass media has found out one interesting thing about German Klimenko. According to vedomosti torrent tracker is in a field of his interests. He was owner of this website. He handed over this business to his son in order to be president’s counsellor on internet. On main page of Liveinternet, popular platform for bloggers in Russia founded by Klimenko, there is advertisement of Torrnado service.

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Michel Reimon’s, Catherine Stihler’s draft opinion and Pavel Svoboda’s draft report on EU action plan on enforcement of IPR

Michel Reimon (de)

The Committee on Culture and Education calls on the Committee on Legal Affairs, as the committee responsible, to incorporate the following suggestions into its motion for a resolution: the key objective of the action plan should be to ensure that future measures taken to enforce Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) are not based solely on data provided by the industry, in particular in the cultural and creative sectors, but on precise, unbiased data documenting IPR infringements; in order to achieve a meaningful enforcement of IPR, full information should include a clear indication of the type of IPR (for example patent, trademark, copyright), the status of its validity and the identity of the owners; IPR enforcement should not prevent open research and knowledge sharing.

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Russian Union of Right holders lost the suit against Dell

Russian Union of Right holders (RSP), collecting private copying levy under state accreditation, has lost the suit against Dell. The court decision is not published yet. But according to, Dell and RSP have determined and agreed list of “taxable” equipment intended for home use. Equipment intended for corporate use has been excluded from list. On monthly basis Dell regularly reported to RSP list of imported equipment, RSP issued invoices and Dell paid them regularly.

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Google can face huge fine in Russia for anticompetitive behaviour

Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russian Federation has decided Google Inc and Google Ireland Ltd. infringed article 10 of law on protection of competition. Federal antimonopoly service predicts the amount of fine for Google is approximately 7% from turnover in 2014. Also inflation will be taken into account. Fine will be counted in Russian roubles, what can be good for Russian budget due to very profitable exchange rate. As chief of Russian federal antimonopoly service (FAS) Igor Artemiev stated, different factors and aggravating circumstances (such as process protraction) will be taken into account.

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Copyright protection can wait in Russia, now it is not good time for it, Russian president’s counsellor on internet believes

German Klimenko, Russian president’s counsellor on internet, believes it is not good and suitable time to force a copyright protection in Russia. Russian authors must be more tolerant to the public. It is better to return to this question when economic situation in Russia will get better. Klimenko believes, authors should receive their commission fees (but usually it calls royalties, actually), but “always there is such thing as appropriateness of this question (when authors receive their royalties). Actually, consumption of copyrights is growing along with consumption of economic growth, and when situation is very hard and difficult, I believe, people should not be terrorized by these questions. Authors should be more correct in relation to people in difficult economic circumstances.”

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Main conditions for foreign social networks to work in Russia have been declared

Russian president’s counsellor on internet, German Klimenko, has explained to foreign social networks what they have to do in order to work in Russia. He believes foreign social networks must abide certain conditions. First of all “they must cooperate with law enforcement authorities. They must operate in Russia likewise Russian social networks. They must have same rights and obligations. Not just only rights but also obligations.”

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Russian Ministry of communication, treating collective management in Russia, tempers justice with mercy

Russian Ministry of Communication can change its mind in relation to non-contractual collective management in Russia if the collective management organisation will work transparently. If there will be drastic positive changes good for right holders and if they mention it and speak out about, in that case changes in Mincom’s project are possible. According to Alexey Volin, deputy of Russian minister of communication, right holders don’t understand how royalties are distributed among them. The purpose of mincom’s project is to distribute collected royalties among right holders, but not to spend them as CMO’s operational costs. It would be right to reduce percentage the CMO leaves for itself. Volin could arrange about “greater transparency” with Russian Union of right holders (RSP) and All-Russian Organisation of Intellectual Property (VOIS).

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Why Russian court refused to consider appeals against permanent blocking of torrents?

In first case Moscow city court refused to consider appeal against permanent blocking of This court affirmed decision against Dreamtorrent Corp., protecting exclusive rights in literary works. Person did not agree with permanent blocking and filed appeal. The court did not find reasons to consider this appeal. According to article 320 of Russian code of civil procedures decisions, affirmed by court of first instance, can be appealed under relevant rules. Only the party of case (claimant and defendant) or other persons participating in case have right to appeal court decision. Also appeal can be filed by person, even if such person did not participate in case, if the issue in relation to rights or obligations of such person has been resolved by the court in such case. Person, which filed appeal against permanent blocking of, is not person participating in case. In a court decision of 9.10.2015 the issue in relation to rights or obligation of such natural person has been not resolved by the court. Therefore, under item 4, part 1 of article 135 of Russian code of civil procedures the court returns the appeal back to the person, who have made it, if such person does not have authority to file it.

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Roskomnadzor wants to handle blocking of pirate content on mobile devices

Roskomnadzor has proposed to provide blocking of pirate resources on mobile equipment and pirate content in app stores. Some resources provide mobile versions of their web-sites which in certain circumstances allow users to circumvent blocking thanks to technical features of such mobile versions – believes Zharov, chief of Roskomnadzor. He proposed to form working group in order to develop proposition how it is better to fight pirate content on mobile devices.

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