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Russian Roskomnadzor and Rutracker expressed opinions about each other

Russian Roskomnadzor’s CEO Aleksandr Zharov predicts business of torrent-tracker Rutracker will be over in few months. “I believe it is turning point. Advertisers will go away, and as long as Rutracker is original mass media its business will be over in few months. Efficacy of blocking and decrease of traffic achieved 75%. Administration of website should make its choice – to be good guys or operate under different domain name.” – he said during its lecture in Moscow State University.

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RBC analysed draft law to control routing for internet traffic in Russia – main points

RBC published main points of draft law and explained what it means and how it can be implemented. Russian ministry of communication has developed amendments to laws “About communication” and “About information, its protection and informational technologies”. Main purpose of this draft law is control over internet traffic. If the draft law will be adopted, a new official state register of IP addresses (for Russian segment of internet – RUnet) can appear.

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Russian state wants to control routing for internet traffic in Russia

As reported Vedomosti, Russian ministry of communication (mincom) designed draft law about state control over routs of internet traffic in Russia. This draft law contains amendments to laws “About communication” and “About information, its protection and informational technologies”. This document should realise Russian president’s instruction given as a result of meeting organised by Russian Security Council in 2014. At this meeting outcomes of tests on stability of Russian internet and questions of its autonomous work have been discussed: in case of emergency whether Russian segment of internet will function even if it will be cut off from worldwide internet.

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Russian companies consider opportunity to restrict Netflix activity in Russia

Deputy of CEO “STS Media” Sergey Petrov stated Russian companies can uphold restrictions for video streaming market in Russia. It is necessary for competition with online service Netflix. Russian companies can propose their amendments in Russian law – restrictions designed to support development of Russian video streaming market. “STS Media” underlined, that Petrov stated so as president of Media-communication alliance, but not as representative of company. “It is true, companies must have incorporated representative offices in Russia, become tax residents, turnover of payments, receiving from customers, should pass through Russian taxable base and the country could receive opportunity to improve domestic content” – said Petrov.

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BMI’ public comment on collective management rules review

The digital revolution in information processing and communications has completely transformed the way music performances are heard by the public and equally changed the way in which information about music performances is collected and processed. In particular, the rise of Internet streaming as a principal way the public hears performances of music has created market needs that are now not being met because of inefficient and anticompetitive restrictions in rules that serve no sound purpose today.

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Russian antipiracy law needs revision as believe in Russian state duma

Russian antipiracy law must be revised, said first deputy of chairman of state duma committee on informational policy Vadim Dengin. “There is no such fact in our law as definition what is piracy in this case. If I have bought relevant movie and want to share it with my 20 friends and I do it in order to provide them with opportunity to download movie with high speed and to watch it when they want. Am I a pirate in such case? Even if I’ve paid for this content. And piracy is thousand people, of five hundreds, or couple hundreds? We don’t have it in our law. And I believe such miscues should be eliminated near future.”

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Russian president’s counsellor on internet believes permanent blocking of torrent is a bad comedy

German Klimenko, Russian president on internet, believes permanently blocking of domain can be easily circumvented with changing of domain name. “If you decided to fight piracy, you should make it some other way. I don’t know exactly what kind of way, but now it seems like a not very good comedy” – he said.

Comments closed’s statistic of visits after permanent blocking does not justify Roskomnadzor’s hopes yet

Russian internet service providers commenced to block access to popular Russian torrent tracker website Rozkomnadzor hopes that permanent blocking will make internet users refuse from using of this website and in general makes them search for other sources of content. Perhaps legal. If most pirate services will be blocked most internet users, who is not professional in pirating content, will pay attention to legal services. How it should be ideally according to Roskomnadzor.

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