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Category: Uncategorised

Do street musicians have to pay VAT from donations made by passers-by

It appears from the case-file that Mr Tolsma plays a barrel organ on the public highway in the Netherlands. During his musical performance he offers passers-by a collecting tin for their donations; he also sometimes knocks on the door of houses and shops to ask for donations, but without being able to claim any remuneration by right.

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Russian ministry of culture has new idea how to help Russian cinematography at the expense of Hollywood

It seems Russian ministry of culture (MinCult) knows how to kill two birds with one stone – to bite a Hollywood and to help Russian cinematography. Many stakeholders disliked the idea with 5 mln roubles for permission to show movie in Russian cinema. Therefore MinCult proposed something new – 3% of revenue from ticket sales. This 3% could make “additional 1,5 billion roubles” for funding of Russian movies.

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How Russian ministry of culture manipulates Paddington’s box-office and distribution in Russia?

Russian ministry of culture (MinCult), including its chief Vladimir Medinsky, made a lot to protect Russian cinematograph in Russia and now such measures entail consequences. One Russian distribution company has obtained permission to distribute cartoon movie Paddington 2 in Russia.

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Approximately 25% of Russian online stores don’t comply with Russian law

Russian Association of Internet Trade (AKIT) and “Public customer initiative” (OPI) have made research on internet trade. According to this research more than 25% of popular internet stores don’t comply with current Russian law. Approximately 1000 online store have been analyzed during the research.

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Retrospective: opportunities to make available cultural heritage of Europe

Michel Barnier, European Commissioner for the Internal Market and Services, presided over the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding(MoU) in which libraries, publishers, authors, and their collecting societies have agreed to a set of Key Principles that are intended to give European libraries and similar cultural institutions the possibility to digitise and make available on line out-of-commerce books and learned journals which are part of their collections. This non-legislative initiative is complementary to the Commission’s adopted legislative proposal on orphan works.

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For wide expansion in foreign market trade mark has to be famous?

CJSC “Roust Inc.” is the proprietor of a number of trade mark registrations for marks comprising or including the word mark RUSSIAN STANDARD. The registrations cover a wide variety of goods and services including vodka. Russian Standard, Inc. uses some domain names, such as,, and, to offer its services.

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