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Research on Online Business Models Infringing Intellectual Property Rights

In 2015, the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), through the European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights, commissioned a research study on business models used to infringe intellectual property rights (IPRs). The initiative is envisioned as an independent data-driven study that will assess and analyse specific techniques used to facilitate online IPR infringements on a commercial scale.

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Russian federal intellectual property service (Rospatent) is not so guiltless as believes office of the Attorney-General

The Russian office of attorney-general has inspected activity of Russian Federal intellectual property service (or Russian Federal service for intellectual property) (Rospatent) and the results of this inspection are not so positive – failures “on all levels” have been found.

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Too much foreign music on Russian radio stations is not so good for Russian artists

Russian famous composer and music businessman Igor Krytoy believes Russian artists should have more opportunities for their careers in Russia, therefore if rotation of foreign artists on Russian radio stations would be restricted by law it could help Russian artists to get more listeners of their music.

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The Intellectual Property (Unjustified Threats) Bill – permitted communication and remedies and defences

Permitted communication The new provisions provide a framework for a “safe harbour”. This allows disputing parties to exchange information to resolve disputes where one of them would otherwise be entitled to bring a threats action. Certain conditions must be met…

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Intellectual Property (Unjustified Threats) Bill

The Intellectual Property (Unjustified Threats) Bill (“the Bill”) contains provisions to reform the law of unjustified threats as it applies to patents, trade marks and designs. The law in this area provides a remedy for those who are affected by unjustified threats. Under the provisions of the Bill, threats to sue for infringement of a relevant intellectual property right are unjustified where they are made in respect of an invalid right or where there has been no infringement. The Bill seeks to clarify the law in relation to unjustified threats by giving effect to recommendations made by the Law Commission of England and Wales.

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Almost half of all toys in Russian market are counterfeited

Kids toys industry association claims increasing figures of counterfeited products in Russian market due to financial circumstances of customers. In 2012 share of counterfeited products in the field of toys for children was about 30%. Now 43% of toys in Russia market are counterfeited – this is figure for first half of 2016.

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The new law about news aggregators is adopted is Russia

The Russian president has signed the law amending federal Russian law about information, its dissemination and informational technologies and Russian administrative code. Now the owners of software, web-sites and/or page of web-site in Internet, exploited for purposes of processing and dissemination of information must be beware of more strict conditions in Russian state.

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Something has changed for management of Russian authors’ society

First of all the procedural status of Sergey Fedotov, CEO of Russian authors’ society (RAO), has been changed – he is under arrest. But this fact would not stop the operation of RAO, there are two more persons, who can make decisions and “act on behalf of legal entity without entrusting” under current Russian law – Vera Fedotova, mother of Sergey Fedotov and the first deputy of CEO, and Krichevsky, the second deputy of CEO.

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National intellectual property rights policy of India

An all-encompassing IPR Policy will promote a holistic and conducive ecosystem to catalyse the full potential of intellectual property for India’s economic growth and socio-cultural development, while protecting public interest. The rationale for the National IPR Policy lies in the need to create awareness about the importance of IPRs as a marketable financial asset and economic tool. The Policy lays down seven Objectives which are elaborated with steps to be undertaken by the identified nodal Ministry/ department.

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