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Category: Uncategorised

RAO claims unknown persons try to organise a “raider seizure”

1st of August, 2016 in Russian Gazette under advertisement rules has been published a call to RAO’s members to organise extraordinary conference, i.e. meeting. For these purposes RAO members were proposed to complete and file some “anonymous ballot paper”. Agenda was simple: to fire Sergey Fedotov, CEO of RAO, his first deputy Vera Fedotova, his mother, dissolution of authors council and dissolution of audit commission.

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Original ideas to reform collective rights management in Russia

Investigators do their job. They interrogate employees of RAO. And Sergey Fedotov tries to appeal his arrest. Other stake holders have to present their proposals concerning new model of collective rights management. They have term till middle of August. First vice-premier Igor Shuvalov entrust Russian ministry of economic development to create new model of collective rights management. “We will try to involve all stakeholders and providers of content, and authors and telecommunication companies and all of them.” – said Oleg Fomichev, deputy of Russian minister of economic development.

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It seems atmosphere surrounding Russian authors’ society is getting worst

Roman Abramov, the president of Federation of Intellectual Property, stated about threats to his address in connection with “RAO case”. Chairman of this federation is famous director Nikita Mihalkov, he is also president of the council of Russian Union of Right holders collecting private copying levy in Russia under state accreditation.

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Russian Facebook “Vkontakte” intends to monetize music which people upload and listen there

Russian social network VKontakte has reached arrangements with three majors and now it thinks how to recoup legalisation of opportunity for its users to listen music for free. It could make paid options for musical part of its service. The way the users consume music would also be “rethought”.

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Oedenberg’ and other’s amendments to Pavel Svoboda’s draft report on EU action plan to enforce IP rights

Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg

The EU faces a high number of intellectual property rights infringements, whereas the volume and financial value of these infringements are alarming, as reported by the Commission in its report on the application of the Directive on the enforcement of intellectual property rights; in spite of the small reduction in the number of packages suspected of infringing intellectual property rights, customs authorities noted as many as 87 000 incidents of such abuses in 2013, while the value of the 36 million articles seized is estimated at more than EUR 768 million.

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Almost half of artists and writers are self-employed

The cultural and creative sectors are a driver of economic growth, job creation and external trade. That is why culture is becoming increasingly important at EU level. Eurostat compiles statistics on culture from several data collections conducted at EU level to provide policy-makers and other users with information on the main trends in employment, business, international trade, participation and consumption patterns in the field of culture. If you don’t want to read all this stuff (about 200 pages), you can just read the most interesting.

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Rozière, Buda and Le Grip amendments to Pavel Svoboda’s draft report on EU action plan to enforce IP rights

Virginie Rozière

Adequate protection of intellectual property rights is a prerequisite for the development of the digital economy and of the digital single market. Considers that respect for the exercise of intellectual property rights and efforts to combat counterfeiting should be the main objectives of the action plan.

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