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Russian Ministry of culture has formed board of experts who should impact on films release and their distribution

The release dates of new films in Russia will depend on new board of experts created by Russian ministry of culture (MinCult). This board has also authority to decide whether to grant a permission to distribute a film in cinemas or repeal such permission. One of the members, included in such board, dislikes such idea.

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Russian publishing house Eksmo failed to shut down Yandex only because it can find

Russian association on protection of copyright (AZAPI) on behalf of Russian publishing house Eksmo sued Yandex and requested it to cease showing pirate links in its search results. “Google deletes pirate links without court order. We follow voluntary approach.” – said Ryabiko, the chief of AZAPI. If Google is so good, why Yandex should not be?

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UK public consultations on changes to CDPA 1988 and the Duration of Copyright and Rights in Performances Regulations 1995

This technical consultation covers the proposed changes to Schedule 1 CDPA to ensure equal treatment of copyright works made prior to 1 June 1957; and the amendment and repeal of some of the 1995 Regulations to ensure compliance with Article 2 of Directive 2001/29/EC 22 May 2001 on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society (InfoSoc Directive).

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Blossom pie design is functional and therefore ineligible for trademark protection

Chudleigh’s is an apple farm and bakery based in Ontario, Canada, which sells baked goods to consumers and commercial entities. In the mid-1990s, Scott Chudleigh, an owner of the business, began developing a “single-serve, fully baked . . . apple pie” to sell to restaurants, to which it already distributed multi-serving apple pies. Mr. Chudleigh and his wife tested several possible shapes for the single-serve pies, settling on a round shape with six folds of pastry encircling the filling. Chudleigh’s registered a trademark for the six-fold pastry design, known as the Blossom Design, and the mark became incontestable in 2005.

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The economic cost of IPR infringement in spirits and wine in EU

The European Union Intellectual property office has published report (de) presenting the results of the eighth sectorial study, covering the production of two products: spirits and wine. It is estimated that the legitimate industries loses approximately €1.3 billion of revenue annually due to the presence of counterfeit spirits and wine in the EU marketplace, corresponding to 3.3% of the sectors’ sales.

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Commission finds Spain’s support for private TV broadcasters in breach of EU rules

The European Commission has found that a Spanish scheme compensating terrestrial private broadcasters for carrying out parallel broadcasting during the digitisation of the terrestrial television signal is in breach of EU state aid rules. As no aid has been granted yet, no recovery will be required.

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Right holders have created a competitor of Russian authors society

Right holders, who are not happy with RAO have decided and created their own collecting society. As the basis for new collecting society has been taken already incorporated legal entity in a form of non-profit partnership “Russian society of authors and other right holders on collective management of their rights ROAP”. New legal entity is called Russian Authors Union (ROAS).

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Russian state intends to take control over TLD .ru and .рф

Russian authorities want to take control over coordinating center managing tlds .ru and .рф. Coordinating center also controls 75% stake in Technical Internet Center (TIC) which secure constant work of domain addressing in Russian segment of internet. Whether industry stakeholders and players would like it or they would disagree with it, the decision has been made and is implemented.

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