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Category: Uncategorised

US copyright office proposes to improve supplementary registration

The U.S. Copyright Office is proposing to amend the regulation governing supplementary registration to reflect certain technical upgrades that will soon be made to the electronic registration system. In most cases applicants will be required to submit an online application in order to correct or amplify the information set forth in a basic registration.

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Presidential measures against counterfeits in Russia

Russian president has signed new decree “About additional measures on counteractions against illegal turnover of industrial products”. This decree sets up new state commission which will coordinate functioning of federal and regional executive authorities on counteractions against illegal import, manufacturing and turnover of industrial products, including counterfeits, and also on monitoring and assessment of situation in this field.

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Ehler’s and Morgano’s report on a coherent EU policy for cultural and creative industries

Cultural and creative industries (CCI) have dual and intrinsic value since, through their direct links to artists and creators, they preserve and promote cultural and linguistic diversity, and strengthen European, national, regional and local identities, while sustaining social cohesion and contributing substantially, with various value creation models, to creativity, investment, innovation and employment and acting as a driver of sustainable economic growth in the EU and its Member States.

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Proposal for a directive on contracts for the supply of digital content – termination

The supplier should be liable to the consumer for the lack of conformity with the contract and for any failure to supply the digital content. Moreover, given that digital content may be supplied over a period of time, it is justified that the supplier should be liable for any lack of conformity which occurs during that period.

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Ticket abuse in UK – some interesting things

At oral evidence Josh Franceschi said that fans are heading to primary ticket websites only to see that the shows or concerts are labelled as sold out, when often they are not, and they have to pay hiked-up prices on the secondary websites. He underlined the need of transparency as to who the primary seller is, because most of the secondary ticket websites in search are listed higher than the primary ticket websites.

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Proposal for a directive on contracts for the supply of digital content – conformity with a contract

Content generated by consumers should be treated on the same basis as any other digital content that the consumer provides or stores throughout the period of duration of the contract such as music and video files, pictures, games or applications.

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One of the ways to fight piracy in social networks: closing communities

Right holders in Russia don’t like the fact that their content, including music or movies, can be used in social networks without any payment and permission. Social networks prescribe in their terms and conditions an obligation of user to upload only legal content or clear copyright prior to use any copyrighted material in network. But mostly users of social networks don’t read, at least carefully, or don’t understand all terms and conditions.

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Russian right holders found new way to block pirate websites

In order to block website infringing someone’s copyright it is necessary to file suit and require preliminary measures. i.e. blocking access to illegal content. It can be page or entire site if it is not possible to block single page apart from entire site. Filing a suit takes a time. But if web-site infringes other law you can notify relevant authorities thereof.

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Proposal for a directive on contracts for the supply of digital content – scope of appliance

In order to meet the expectations of consumers and ensure a clear-cut and simple legal framework for suppliers of digital content offered on a durable medium, in relation to conformity requirements and remedies available to consumers for non-conformity, this Directive should apply to goods such as DVDs and CDs, incorporating digital content in such a way that the goods function only as a carrier of the digital content.

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“RussianProperty” dislikes idea to help LenFilm and Gorky Studio regain a copyright in films made before 2002

“RussianProperty”, (Rosimushestvo) federal agency on state property management, gave negative opinion on proposition, made by Russian minister of culture Vladimir Medinsky. He has sent letter to Russian prime-minister Dmitry Medvedev and requested regain copyright in movies made by LenFilm and Gorky Film studios to these studios.

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