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Russian and Yandex dislike the way how telecom companies proposed to regulate OTT-services and messengers

Major Russian internet companies and Yandex dislike the draft bill, proposed by Russian media-communication union. This draft bill provides regulation for OTT-services and messengers. Interpretation of draft bill can be too broad and affect not only Viber and WhatsApp, but other services, including those, who work in internal Russian marketplace and from Russia.

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Ehler’s and Morgano’s CCI report: digitisation and working conditions

Cultural and creative industries (CCIs), the majority of which are made up of SMEs, operate in a constantly evolving environment, and as such are challenged to rethink and reshape new business models in order to develop market-driven solutions and attract new audiences. There is the need to improve legal certainty and reduce the administrative burden. Member States and the commission are addressed to support the digitisation of cultural content.

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Russian telecommunication companies proposed regulation for Viber and WhatsApp

Media-communication union (MKS), representing Russian telecommunication companies (communication operators and TV-companies), has finally published its draft bill for regulation of messengers and OTT-services. But the legislative proposal has been presented to the public for a little period of time.

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Working document on the directive concerning contracts for the supply of digital content

Stakeholders and academia widely approve of the fact that the Digital Content Proposal covers supply of digital content regardless whether the contractual relation has been concluded online or offline and irrespective of the delivery mode of the digital content (digital content on a carrier or supplied by download, streaming or any other provision of access).

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It is proposed to implement unified standard terms and conditions for web-sites working with Russian citizens

The main purpose is to protect the rights of users, who visit and use web-site. Many people, if not all in common cases, don’t read terms and conditions before to accept the offer proposed by the web-site. Some of users don’t even know about such things as terms and conditions. Most of users start reading them only if any problem arises.

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Ehler’s and Morgano’s CCI report: copyright and counterfeiting in CCS

Copyright is to the cultural and creative sector, what patents are to industry and technology. The protection of copyright is an element vital to the very survival of the creative industry. Despite the fact that more creative content is being consumed today than ever before (think of the record levels reached by the music), on services such as user-uploaded content platforms and content aggregation services, the creative sectors (among others rights holders, artists and producers) have not seen a comparable increase in revenues from this increase in consumption.

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Ehler’s and Morgano’s CCI report: framework conditions and fostering innovation

Report calls the Commission to introduce an umbrella scheme that bridges the gap between R&D, European creative content production and technological innovation in the media field and beyond; such an umbrella scheme would foster the production of creative and competitive EU services, and commercial and employment opportunities, and enhance access to market for SMEs and start-ups, while nourishing a pluralistic and diverse European landscape built on strong synergies between CCIs and technological innovation, thereby strengthening the European Digital Single Market.

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