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Promoting a fair and efficient European copyright-based economy in the Digital Single Market

Digital technologies have transformed the distribution of and access to copyright-protected content through a growing variety of online services. However, the availability of online content differs from one Member State to another and citizens are often not able to access content across borders.

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Impact assessment on proposals for directives on digital content contracts and distance sales of goods

The Digital Single Market Strategy considers e-commerce as a main driver for growth. However, e-commerce still has a significant untapped potential. Thus, instead of taking full advantage of the opportunities of the Digital Single Market, businesses and consumers are too often constrained to their own domestic markets.

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“Naughty” companies can be punished in Russia by way of slowing down traffic to their web-sites

If company, incorporated outside Russia, sometimes ignores requirements of authorities regardless of their nature what state authorities can do? They have proposed to slow down access to web-sites of such companies in order to hamper access to their web-sites for ordinary people in Russia. Such measure could create better competitive conditions for Russian companies. This idea has been generated during consideration of dispute between Russian Federal Anti-monopoly Service and Google.

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No criminal liability for copyright infringement in the absence of intention to sale

Russian IP ombudsman, Anatoly Semenov, proposed to eliminate criminal liability for copyright infringement for cases where person infringed copyright in software without intention to sell or distribute it. In other words if person has installed pirated software on computer and does not disseminate it or does not sell it to other persons, such person should not be held criminally responsible.

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Be careful when choosing territory for copyright litigation

In this case, the Welsh Government, a political subdivision of the United Kingdom, and various media companies were accused of using two photographs depicting the poet Dylan Thomas without authorization and in violation of the Copyright Act. Plaintiffs, owners of the copyrights in these photos, are Pablo Star Ltd. and Pablo Star Media Ltd. (“Plaintiffs”) – two related companies that are “organized and registered under the laws of Ireland and the United Kingdom.”

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Consumers’ FAQs on copyright: when you can use a work protected by copyright created by another?

There has been published a very useful guide for consumers and for anyone who is curious about copyright. This guide explains different things, relating to IP rights, in simple way. The project has been commissioned by the European Union intellectual property office.

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Russian government allowed forming of interagency commissions for blocking of web-sites in severe cases

Russian government has adopted amendments to one of its decrees concerning the blocking of web-sites. The special interagency commission can be formed if the case is difficult. But amendments also provide certain details in procedure when information in question is to be blocked.

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Russian Roskomnadzor will block web-sites more accurately and faster

Russian Roskomnadzor can receive a power to define the way of blocking for web-sites listed in “black list”. New developed amendments for regulation are intended to protect law-abiding web resources from unjustifiable blocking, for example when two web-sites “reside” on single IP and one of them must be blocked under Russian law, the “innocent” will not be punished together with guilty one.

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Draft proposal for a directive on copyright in DSM – the licencing mechanisms

For reasons of international comity, the licencing mechanisms for the digitisation and dissemination of out-of-commerce works provided for in this Directive should not apply to works or other subject-matter that are first published or, in the absence of publication, first broadcast in a third country or, in the case of cinematographic or audiovisual works, to works the producer of which has his headquarters or habitual residence in a third country.

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