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Category: Uncategorised

The UK music 2017 manifesto

UK Music is the umbrella organisation which represents the collective interests of the UK’s commercial music industry from artists, musicians, songwriters and composers, to record labels, music managers, music publishers, studio producers, music licensing organisations and the live music industry. It has published manifesto, outlining the main necessities of industry. Here they are.

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Russian president’s counselor on internet doubts to accuracy of data on Russia contained in 2017 Special 301 Report

German Klimenko, Russian president’s counselor on internet, does not believe that data, containing in 2017 Special 301 Report and describing the level of piracy in Russia, are correct. The finding that piracy in Russia has increased on 300% does not reflect reality.

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European commission accepted commitments from Amazon on e-books

The European Commission has adopted a decision that renders legally binding the commitments offered by Amazon. The commitments address the Commission’s preliminary competition concerns relating to a number of clauses in Amazon’s distribution agreements with e-book publishers in Europe. Amazon will no longer enforce or introduce these clauses in agreements with publishers.

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Legal review of draft law on regulation for OTT-services in Russia

Relevant committee of Russian state duma made legal analysis of draft law providing regulation for OTT services in Russia. This analysis explains why and how the draft must be improved. For example, the draft law prescribes to introduce a registry of audio-visual services in Russia, but it does not define its legal status and purposes.

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Amendments to coherent EU policy for cultural and creative industries – fighting piracy and facilitating to legal offer of content

Piracy and counterfeiting remain a serious concern for CCIs and citizens alike. These illicit activities can cause safety and health concerns for consumers, jeopardise the financing of cultural creation and the maintaining of a strong European cultural diversity and are often linked to organised crime.

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What right holders are so concerned about in Russia in relation to new features of legal services?

Different services and companies in Russia clear copyright in content like music or video in order to provide their services consisting of entertainment content. The price for rights can be very high and the company, acquiring opportunity to use copyright protected content in its services, does not have any guarantee that its investments can be recouped.

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2017 Special 301 Report

The Special 301 Report (Report) is the result of an annual review of the state of IP protection and enforcement in U.S. trading partners around the world, which the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) conducts pursuant to Section 182 of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended by the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988, the Uruguay Round Agreements Act, and the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2015 (19 U.S.C. § 2242).

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How Russian Roskomnadzor intends to kill Rutracker and other similar sites in Russia?

Russian Roskomnadzor realises that blocking of web-sites is not so effective measure. Therefore it decided to undertake measures to prevent any technical opportunity, providing dissemination of pirated copies of audiovisual works, by way of restricting access to servers of torrent trackers – so called “announcers”.

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