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Category: Uncategorised

Russian Ministry of culture wants to clear Russian market from “low-budget foreign movies”

Russian ministry of culture (MinCult) and Russian movie producers have agreed that in order to distribute movie in cinemas the distributor of such movie, regardless of whether this movie is of Russian production or foreign production, like Hollywood, must pay not less than 5 million Russian roubles for permission.

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Russian business outlined all its complaints in one “book”

In Russia it was established institute of ombudsman presenting and protecting interests of Russian business. For certain industry of business there is special representative of ombudsman, who summarizes all complaints stated by business and puts them on paper. Each year ombudsman makes report to Russian president and proposes the ways to resolve problems outlined in book of complaints.

Comments closed accused Match TV of using texts from’s web-site illegally

Few days ago Match TV accused of copyright infringements. Now vise-versa. CEO of, Dmitry Navosha, explained why does not sue Match TV. According to Navosha, correspondent from Match TV in his reportage has read text from without any reference to resource ( Nevosha underlined that it was not occasional. Such things happen regularly.

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Russian e-commerce strategy does not provide blocking of online–stores

Developers of Russian e-commerce strategy 2017-2018 decided to make it more democratic and drafted it softly in relation to regulation of distance trade. “The main purpose of strategy is stimulation of trade, but not its restriction”, – explained person knowing the real reasons of new changes in draft document.

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Australian copyright law review – alternative to fair use exception, specific exceptions and orphan works

An alternative exception, should fair use not be enacted, is also recommended: a ‘new fair dealing’ exception that consolidates the existing fair dealing exceptions and provides that fair dealings for certain new purposes do not infringe copyright.

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Russian minister of culture explained how his office will handle issues with “ticket mafia”

Russian ministry of culture (MinCult) develops draft law in order to eliminate so called “ticket mafia” in Russia. If a play or show is very interesting for public, the tickets can be sold very quickly, especially if the selling price established by a theatre is not so high and many people with average income can buy it. But it is not so simple with available tickets.

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New strategy for development of informational society in Russia has been approved

This strategy defines purposes and measures for realisation of internal and external Russian policy in the field of implementation of informational and communicational technologies to improve development of informational society, national digital economy and secure national interests and realise national strategic priorities.

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Amendments to proposed regulation to fulfil obligations under Marrakesh Treaty by EU

This Regulation should ensure that, in accordance with Article 9 of the Marrakesh Treaty, the contracting parties provide financial and human resources to facilitate international cooperation between authorised entities, the adequate availability of accessible format copies and the cross-border exchange of such copies.

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EU final report on the E-commerce Sector Inquiry

On 6 May 2015, the Commission launched a sector inquiry into the electronic commerce (‘e-commerce’) of consumer goods and digital content in the EU (‘e-commerce sector inquiry’). For the purposes of the e-commerce sector inquiry, requests for information (‘questionnaires’) were addressed to stakeholders between June 2015 and March 2016. Respondents submitted in total 2 605 agreements related to the distribution of consumer goods and 6 426 licensing agreements related to the distribution of digital content.

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