First time in Russian legal history the Russian magistrate court has imposed fine on Russian media resource under the Russian law on fake news. The magistrate court has imposed 200 thousand Roubles fine on internet resource and 60 thousand Roubles on chief editor of this resource for dissemination of fake news under Russian administrative code.
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The history with Telegramm shows that Russian internet watchdog Roskomnadzor is not able to shut down services blocked under Russian court orders. Moreover, many officials from Russian government and authorities use Telegramm and even sometimes organize a bidding for research of social activity in Telegramm’s community. It is not good for reputation when almost all internet users tell jokes and make memes on RKN’s ability to execute will in relation to restriction of access to internet resources.
Comments closedThe Russian district court has seized the object of intellectual property almost first time in Russian legal history within the frames of criminal case. The investigators from Russian Federal Security service have filed motion to size property, including software developed by the indicted person. The investigators believe if the seizure of property can be applied in the case, the software is to be also arrested.
Comments closedCan technical report be protected by copyright? For example the Russian courts believe it can be. But unlike the USA or UK copyright law system for the Russian copyright system it was important the presence of creativity rather then originality. So, under the Russian copyright law it was necessary for the subject matter to be created with creativity, the originality was not so important for protection by copyright.
Comments closedThe Russian television channel (The First Channel) produces a television program famous in Russia. The program is called “What? Where? When?” where the experts answers the questions asked by the viewers. The program consists of certain amount of rounds. Between these rounds there is musical pause. In one episode of this program, during musical pause, the group of musicians has performed the song. The programs has been broadcasted and then uploaded to the web-site of the channel.
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Russian social network Vkontakte has signed ant-piracy memorandum with book publishers and online stores. The aim of memo is similar to audio-visual memo signed by the Yandex & IT companies with audio-visual right holders (mostly Russian media companies making content for Russian TV). The memo supposed to anti-piracy checking of book content before the downloading.
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They want exactly know what the people like, what they consume and how internet platforms can influence them. The task is not so simple, but this idea has been discussed with major media and IT companies. The executives from Russian president’s administration and relevant officers discuss idea to create the single and unified system able to truck each view of content or advertising by the internet user in Russia. The major Russian television and internet companies have been involved in these discussions, but there is no final idea how such tracking would be organized and deployed.
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The experts from Russian innovational center Skolkovo have proposed to use big data in changing the laws, to provide regulation for “digital footprint” of citizen and state control over devices of internet of things. Skolkovo also commissioned the draft on conception towards to development of digital economy. Almost all stakeholders dislike proposals stemming from skolkovo’s experts.
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It is well known that some occurrences can be very prominent and trigger a lot of public attention. Newspapers have a little time to write news and to publish them in order to attract people to their web-sites in order to get traffic, sell ads etc. Even this note is an indirect consequence of such prominent occurrence, but relax it is published without intention to sell ads. So for the convenience of internet users there are providers who aggregate news by the certain topic, theme or any other category.
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The Russian accredited collecting society (CMO) collecting royalties for copyright in musical works has sued Russian cinema holding, seeking royalties for synchronization right. RAO has proposed cinema holding to conclude agreement for synch right, but the cinema has refused. Therefore RAO has filed suit. In the suit CMO has placed the list of audiovisual works and one author to each relevant AV work.
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