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Category: Research

Synopsis report on the results of the EU public consultations on the “Panorama exception”

This report (de) summarises the outcome of the public consultation on the use of images of works, such as works of architecture or sculpture, made to be located permanently in public places (the ‘panorama exception’) which was conducted by the Commission together with a consultation on the role of publishers in the copyright value chain.

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2016 report on EU customs IPR enforcement

In 2015, customs authorities made over 81.000 detentions, consisting of a total of 43.7 million articles. The domestic retail value of the detained articles represented over 640 million euros. This report contains statistical information about the detentions made under customs procedures and includes data on the description, quantities and value of the goods, their provenance, the means of transport and the type of intellectual property right that may have been infringed.

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Intellectual Property and the U.S. Economy: 2016 Update report

This report builds on the 2012 version by providing an update on the impact of IP on US economy and a fresh look at the approach used to measure those results. The update continues to focus on measuring the intensity of IP use, and its persistent relationship to economic indicators such as employment, wages, and value added.

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UK IP Crime report 2015/2016

In this report Anti-Copying in Design (ACID) draw attention to the specific success of the design industry and the challenges designers now face in an active increasingly challenging enforcement environment. ACID claim design is the fastest growing sector within the burgeoning creative industries, in the 5 years between 2008 and 2013 the design sector grew by 34%. In the UK today 350,000 people are employed in the design industry.

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Russian ministry of education proposed unique way to fight plagiarism in scientific research

Despite there is no such legal definition as plagiarism in current Russian law, but in order to deprive someone’s scientific decree the fact of copyright infringement should be determined and proved in court under proposed rules. Only if the court decides that someone, who received academic decree, has infringed copyright by way of publishing of his scientific research, the scientific decree can be deprived.

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The economic cost of IPR infringement in spirits and wine in EU

The European Union Intellectual property office has published report (de) presenting the results of the eighth sectorial study, covering the production of two products: spirits and wine. It is estimated that the legitimate industries loses approximately €1.3 billion of revenue annually due to the presence of counterfeit spirits and wine in the EU marketplace, corresponding to 3.3% of the sectors’ sales.

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Almost half of artists and writers are self-employed

The cultural and creative sectors are a driver of economic growth, job creation and external trade. That is why culture is becoming increasingly important at EU level. Eurostat compiles statistics on culture from several data collections conducted at EU level to provide policy-makers and other users with information on the main trends in employment, business, international trade, participation and consumption patterns in the field of culture. If you don’t want to read all this stuff (about 200 pages), you can just read the most interesting.

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