After the first initial proposal to regulate and control social networks in Russia and dissemination of information there failed, the Russian legislators proposed new redaction of this law. It was introduced again and it seems the law will be adopted for sure and quickly. Explanation note to the draft law states that the aim is to preclude the dissemination of illegal and false social significant information in social networks in Russia.
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The negotiation mechanism would exclusively address copyright-related issues and would complement measures provided for in the AVMS Directive review for the promotion of European works. The negotiation mechanism would address individual cases of lack of availability and complements the general approach pursued by the stakeholder dialogue.
Comments closedThe main declared purpose of proposed law is to create effective mechanism which could preclude dissemination of illegal information in social networks. That states explanatory note to the draft law. According to explanation note social networks can significantly affect public opinion, at least. Users of social networks play a vital role – they upload, create and generate content. Therefore there are should be at least two subjects of regulation.
Comments closedWhile online marketplaces are strong drivers of innovation and growth as they offer new business opportunities, they are also increasingly used as a distribution channel for counterfeit and pirated goods. To prevent the sale of counterfeit goods online, the Commission invited internet platforms, rights owners and associations to sign a Memorandum of Understanding on the Sale of Counterfeit Goods via the internet (‘MoU’).
Comments closedStakeholders’ dialogue focusing on licensing issues and aiming at improving the proportion of EU audiovisual works available on VoD platforms
Having a platform to meet and discuss licensing issues preventing availability of EU AV works on VoD platforms (e.g. exclusivity issues; release windows), at European level, could contribute to reach agreements (self-regulatory measures) for a more sustained exploitation of EU works, which would benefit all stakeholders involved. However, chances of reaching concrete agreements would depend on the willingness of the stakeholders to engage in constructive discussions and to take commitments.
Comments closedThe civil law tradition seeks to obtain remuneration for all digital reproductions that are publicly available, subject to some exceptions that are justified by transaction costs. Lawyers and courts are struggling to bring these new technologies in line with that right or design extensions and modifications of copyright law to bring them into the fold of that remuneration right.
Comments closedThe limited availability of EU AV works on VoD platforms is expected to persist under the baseline option. The maturity of the VoD market in terms of revenues has not been reached yet. In the absence of any intervention at EU level, contractual blockages are likely to persist. In many cases, the licensing process for EU AV works would remain burdensome.
Comments closedRussian Internet Service Providers (ISPs) sometimes restrict access to law-abiding web-sites just because they aim to avoid penalties for non-compliance with Roskomnadzor’s order. Russian authority, supervising internet, Roskomnadzor calls such practice “excessive blocking of web-site in internet”. Sometimes web-sites of banks and retailers fall under restriction of access. Such restriction can cause damages.
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No policy intervention. This option would rely on the natural evolution (естественной эволюции) of the VoD market. As VoD will become an increasingly important way to access AV works in the coming years, it is likely to gain in financial attractiveness for rightholders.
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The Notorious Markets List highlights prominent and illustrative examples of online and physical marketplaces that reportedly engage in, facilitate, turn a blind eye to, or benefit from substantial piracy and counterfeiting. A goal of the List is to motivate appropriate action by owners, operators, and service providers in the private sector of these and similar markets, as well as governments, to reduce piracy and counterfeiting.
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