It is necessary to define the concept of press publication in a way that embraces only journalistic publications, published in any media, including on paper, in the context of an economic activity which constitutes a provision of services under EU law. The press publications to be covered are those whose purpose is to inform the general public and which are periodically or regularly updated.
Comments closedCategory: News aggregators
The proposed Publisher’s Right strikes a fair balance between the legitimate interests of all parties involved and therefore appears proportionate. It has been criticised that the decline in newspaper revenues does not have anything to with the activities of news aggregators or search engines.
Comments closedThe briefing note by committee of legal affairs demonstrates that the new, related right for press publishers provided in Article 11 of the ‘Proposed DSM Directive’ is required to address pressing market failures in the area of the online press. The note also outlines why the proposed Article 11 is proportionate and the criticism raised against it by various stakeholders is not compelling.
Comments closedThe briefing note by committee of legal affairs demonstrates that the new, related right for press publishers provided in Article 11 of the ‘Proposed DSM Directive’ is required to address pressing market failures in the area of the online press. The note also outlines why the proposed Article 11 is proportionate and the criticism raised against it by various stakeholders is not compelling.
Comments closedThe civil law tradition seeks to obtain remuneration for all digital reproductions that are publicly available, subject to some exceptions that are justified by transaction costs. Lawyers and courts are struggling to bring these new technologies in line with that right or design extensions and modifications of copyright law to bring them into the fold of that remuneration right.
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