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Category: News aggregators

SWD IA on the EU copyright modernization – impacts of third option for press publishers

As Option 2 plus introduction, in EU law, of the possibility for MS to provide that publishers may claim compensation for uses under an exception

This option would have a positive impact on all publishers, in particular book and scientific publishers but also on press publishers regarding their ability to receive compensation for uses under exceptions (notably the reprography exception). For other publishers, in particular book and scientific publishers, Option 3 is highly significant, as their publications are often used under an exception such as private copying.

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Mass media asked RKN to clarify hyperlink punishment

Not so long time ago the Russian internet watchdog Roskomnadzor has claryfied that the hyperlink to web-site or web-page, containing informatino forbidden for dissemination in Russia, is also dissemination of information in violation of Russian law. In other words if you place hyperlink to web-site, regardles of its updating with content, you are liable for information on such web-site, even if the operator or owner of such web-site updated such information you have hyperlinked to.

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SWD IA on the EU copyright modernization – impacts of second option for press publishers

Introduction in EU law of a related right covering digital uses of press publications

Under this option, press publishers would still need to acquire authors’ authorisation to publish their contributions in a newspaper or a magazine, as they do today. Therefore, the relationship authors-publishers would remain untouched. In contrast, this option would provide these publishers with a substantial added value when it comes to licensing out their publications for online uses by third parties, something that is increasingly important for them in the digital environment.

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SWD IA on the EU copyright modernization – impacts of baseline and first options for press publishers

Baseline option

Without intervention at EU level, legal uncertainty in this sector is expected to increase and publishers’ bargaining position would further weaken. The loss of print revenues is not expected to be compensated by the increase of online revenues. Online revenue streams feature smaller margins, as the competition for digital advertisement revenues is tough and free-access press items are widely available. Moreover, access to news through smartphones is increasing every year. As advertising revenues linked to access through smartphones are lower than through computers, this evolution of news consumption would make overall revenues decrease.

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Russian state duma intends to teach Yandex aggregating news

It is well known that some occurrences can be very prominent and trigger a lot of public attention. Newspapers have a little time to write news and to publish them in order to attract people to their web-sites in order to get traffic, sell ads etc. Even this note is an indirect consequence of such prominent occurrence, but relax it is published without intention to sell ads. So for the convenience of internet users there are providers who aggregate news by the certain topic, theme or any other category.

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SWD Impact assessment on the modernisation of EU copyright rules – Achieving a well-functioning market place for copyright

In the recent years, the internet has become the main marketplace for the distribution of and access to copyright protected content, involving a high number of market players and a diversity of business models. While online content services have become essential for the generation of revenues, rightholders face difficulties when seeking to monetise and control the distribution of their content online. There is a growing concern about the sharing of the value generated by some of the new forms of online content distribution.

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Russian state duma upheld the law on restrictions for news aggregators in Russia

The law on restrictions for news aggregators in Russia has passed first reading in Russian state duma. The amendments are to be made till the end of this year. The Russian IT company Yandex, operator and owner of service Yandex.News, and Russian ministry of communication (MinCom) did not like the draft law. Both believe the law provides excessive regulation.

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Russian draft law restricts foreign ownership of news aggregators to 20%

The new draft law – amendments to Russian law on information, its protection and informational technologies – has been introduced to Russian state duma. These amendments aim to limit permissible ownership share in news aggregators, operating in Russia, for foreign persons. All major Russian-baked news services – and Yandex.News – do not comply with proposed requirements.

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Axel Voss’s amendments to Copyright DSM on 12 September

The increasing imbalance between powerful platforms and press publishers, which can also be news agencies, has already led to a remarkable regression of the media landscape on a regional level. In the transition from print to digital, publishers and news agencies of press publications are facing problems in licensing the online use of their publications and recouping their investments. In the absence of recognition of publishers of press publications as right holders, licensing and enforcement in the digital environment is often complex and inefficient.

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Estonian’s Option B of article 11 for DSM copyright directive

Presumption for publishers of press publications

Press publications contain mostly literary works but increasingly include other types of works and subject-matter, notably photographs and videos. Due to the large number of authors and rightholders involved in the creation of a press publication, licensing and enforcement of the rights in press publications are often complex and inefficient in the digital environment. Publishers may notably face difficulties when proving that they have been transferred or licensed the rights in such works and other subject-matter for the purposes of concluding licences or enforcing the rights in respect of their press publications.

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