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Category: Legal proposal

New financial conditions for touring of Russian theaters

Russian ministry of culture (MinCult) has changed the financial conditions for touring. The new federal agenda “Major touring” include new criterion defining financial support allocated to Russian theaters in order to help the bear costs associated with touring. For example, new rules preclude opportunity to fly in business class and receive fixed royalties for each performance. The business class will be available only honored artists (so called people’s artist) and art directors.

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Federal antitrust service drafted procedure for compulsory licensing

Russian federal antitrust service has drafted and published for public discussion the procedure providing compulsory licensing in medical industry. Actually the heading of procedure shows that the potential appliance of this procedure can go much beyond of medicine. “On procedure to make decision in the interests of defense and security, including gin order to protect citizens’ live and health, to exploit invention, utility model or industrial design without right holder’s consent and with payment to right holder respective remuneration”.

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SWD Impact assessment on the modernisation of EU copyright rules – options for the use of protected content by online services


No policy intervention. This option would rely on the voluntary deployment of technologies by user uploaded content services, which will continue to apply their own terms and level of transparency as to the functioning of the technologies.

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People don’t like the law on internet autonomy

This March some civil activists have organized the rally against new law on Russian internet autonomy. And as always the data about the quantity of people, who was there, are different. The police claims there were six and half thousand peoples, the civil activists claim there were 15 thousands. But the rally has been authorized by the local authorities. The rallies were in Moscow, Habarovsk and Voronezh, where the authorization has been not granted.

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Russian senators developed draft law on digital profile

According to the draft law the digital profile would be a platform where the different information and data on citizens are to be collected. The draft law also provides new definition – the electronic id. The main aim of the draft law is to adapt to digital environment in modern world and achieving purposes of relevant national agenda. The draft law provides main principles for regulation of person distance identification and authentication.

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Russian ministry of culture proposed to examine being in demand of Russian artists

Sometimes Russian authorities proposed some things with the aim to build and improve the Russian market and economy. But the outcome of such proposal is often one step back to the Soviet Union. Quit recently the Russian Ministry of Culture has proposed to examine the being in demand of Russian artists in order to decide whether to extend the term of agreement or to conclude the new one.

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Impact assessment on the modernisation of EU copyright rules – use of protected content by online services

It is a problem, because rightholders have no or limited control over the use and the remuneration for the use of their content by services storing and giving access to large amounts of protected content uploaded by their users.

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Human rights council asked Putin to decline and improve the law on fake news

Human rights council under the Russian president Vladimir Putin also does not like the new laws on fake news and insulting of Russian official authorities. The council asked the Putin to reject the law, but it asked to improve these laws. According to the council the law “unproportionally restricts the right on freedom of expression”. The liability, provided for dissemination of fake news, is excessive council believes.

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Russian state duma approved the idea to equate paper and digital agreements

The new amendments to Russian civil code provide new type of rights – the digital rights. These amendments define what the digital right is. Actually new amendments aim to regulate crypto assets, digital financial assets and alternative means of investments (сrowd funding). It seems not so soon all amendments will became an adopted law.

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