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Category: Law

Senator wants to violate privacy of correspondence the Russian state duma believes

Recently the group of Russian senators has introduced the draft law aiming to control the ability of any internet user residing in Russia or using Russian emailing service to send electronic mail to anyone. According to proposal the email account holder can use it only if identification has been passed. The identification can be passed only through the cell phone number because it is to be assigned by the internal passport.

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Russian deputies proposed to create monopoly for distribution of TV content in internet

Publicly available channels are to be distributed through so called “one window” in internet according to the new recently proposed draft law. Other web-sites, which don’t participate in “one window scheme”, are to be blocked. There is already the candidate to be such “one window” operator. The draft law aims to create the single system of legal distribution for 20 publicly available channels. This system should be launched from 2020.

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Russian lawmakers want totally control the ability to emailing in Russia

A new draft law has been introduced to Russian state duma. This draft law proposes to enable electronic mail box for internet user only after checking of user’s cell phone. In other words under the draft law the emailing services is available for internet user only after his/her identification by cell phone. If identification fails for any reason the mailing service provider can disable emailing service.

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SWD Impact assessment on the modernisation of EU copyright rules – impacts of second option for the use of protected content by online services

An obligation on online services which store and give access to large amounts of protected content uploaded by their users to put in place appropriate and proportionate technologies and to increase transparency vis-a-vis rights holders

Against the backdrop of the role of user uploaded content services in the communication to the public of protected content, the establishment of an obligation to deploy technical means will have a positive impact on right holders.

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It is better penalize VPNs than block them believes Roskomnadzor

According to current Russian law if the VPN provides any internet user in Russia with access to any web-resource blocked in Russia such VPN is to be blocked. How Russian internet watchdog – The Roskomnadzor (RKN) – aims to implement such task is not clear, perhaps to block entire internet. Anyway, it considers another idea: to penalize them – imposing fines on VPN failing to block access to forbidden web-resource in Russia.

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Determination of willfulness in copyright infringement

Kast is a California businessman. One of his businesses is Atherton Trust, a real estate wealth management company. In order to develop a web-site for this business he hired website developer – Only Websites. Among other things, Kast “agreed to provide content and other material… throughout the development process.” Kast’s approval would be required on all work, “including the design, development and finalization of the website.”

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SWD Impact assessment on the modernisation of EU copyright rules – impacts of first option for the use of protected content by online services

Stakeholder dialogues between rightholders and services which store and give access to large amounts of content uploaded by their users

Due to its voluntary nature, it seems unlikely that stakeholder dialogues will result in sufficient improvements in the take up, efficiency and transparency of technologies in comparison to the possible evolution of the market.

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