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Category: Law

Third edition of USA copyright office compendium – Copyrightable Authorship in Choreographic Works

The U.S. Copyright Office may register a claim to copyright in a choreographic work, provided that (i) the work is a dance; (ii) the dance constitutes copyrightable subject matter under Section 102(a)(4) of the Copyright Act; (iii) the dance contains a sufficient amount of choreographic authorship; and (iv) the dance was created by a human author for human performers.

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TV channels can cut off telecom operators from their broadcast

The Russian TV channels are very concerned when their broadcast is available in internet without their permission. The ad revenues, generated by such broadcast, flow to the packets of providers making TV channels’ broadcast available in internet. Besides TV channels don’t always have online rights for certain programming they broadcast. TV channels want control online consuming of their programming, including ad revenue generating by online broadcasting, the ad revenues generated by traditional TV decreasing each year.

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Roskomnadzor knows who disseminates fake news in Russia

Russian internet watchdog Roskomnadzor has made a little surprise for Russian public. It has published on its web-site the list of resources where it has found fake news, in other words the Russian internet watchdog has pointed by finder who disseminates fake news in Russia. But the fact is this list is very strange because the mass media have been mentioned in this list because they don’t read all comments in their accounts on social networks.

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The new law to force Google and Apple to share data with Russia

The Apple and Google owns and control very popular and useful applications in Russia. Apple’s or Google’s software is installed almost on each second device in Russian internal market. Could you image if Apple’s or Google’s software would be outlawed in Russia? The new law entails such consequence. So would Apple and Google consider to stay in Russian market or abide the new law? The answer is “it’s complicated”.

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Online cinemas don’t want share with MinCult online box office figures

Recently the Russian ministry of culture has proposed to oblige online cinemas to share statistics showing how many times the movie has been streamed. This proposal could benefit right holders as they would know how for sure how many royalties they should receive. But this idea is not welcomed by online cinemas themselves. They have express their concerns in the letter to the deputy of minister of culture.

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Third edition of USA copyright office compendium – fixation of choreographic works

The U.S. Copyright Office may register a claim to copyright in a choreographic work, provided that the specific movements constituting the work have been fixed in a tangible medium of expression. As a general rule (draft), the work should be fixed in a visually perceptible form, because choreography involves the physical movements of a dancer’s body which are visually perceived.

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Russian ministry of culture wants to know online box office

The Russian ministry of culture intends to oblige online cinemas to provide data on each run of movie, in other words the ministry wants to know how many times the movie was streamed. The declared purpose of this legal proposal is simple check how effective the Russian budget supports the Russian movie industry. The real purpose is prosaic and old as this world – the authorities want to know where the money flow.

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Apple out of Russia, first fine for fake news and little bit more for today…

Russian state duma has adopted the draft law on mandatory pre-sale installation of Russian software on gadgets in the second reading. If this draft law enters into force in Russia the Apple and Google would be obliged to work with Russian software developers, because their smartphones (cells) should contain the Russian applications in oder to be sold in Russian internal market. Whether Apple or Google consider option to agree with new “idea” provided in draft law or to leave Russian market?

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Mass media asked RKN to clarify hyperlink punishment

Not so long time ago the Russian internet watchdog Roskomnadzor has claryfied that the hyperlink to web-site or web-page, containing informatino forbidden for dissemination in Russia, is also dissemination of information in violation of Russian law. In other words if you place hyperlink to web-site, regardles of its updating with content, you are liable for information on such web-site, even if the operator or owner of such web-site updated such information you have hyperlinked to.

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