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Category: Law

World Trade Organisation is not perfect, but there is no alternative

Russia has made a lot of efforts in order to be a member of World Trade Organisation. WTO requires member states to comply with its rules and concluded agreements. Russia, in its turn, does not comply with all requirements, but it is a member of WTO. Recently the chief of Russian ministry of economic development, Maksim Oreshkin, stated that WTO is not ideal and it needs optimization.

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Draft third edition of USA copyright office compendium – copyright for ideas, methods, facts

A work that has not been fixed is not protected by the Copyright Act and cannot be registered with the U.S. Copyright Office, although it might be eligible for protection under state law. The Office will not register works produced by nature, animals, or plants.

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Proposed amendments to Marrakesh Directive

Persons who are blind, visually impaired or otherwise print disabled continue to face many barriers in accessing books and other print material which are protected by copyright and related rights. Taking into consideration the social interests of granting such persons the right of access to information and the right to participate in cultural, economic and social life, on an equal basis with others, measures need to be taken to increase the availability of those works in accessible formats and to improve their circulation in the internal market, within the conditions set forth in this Directive, in order to ensure access to knowledge and information.

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CISAC’s public comment on collective management rules review

The network of reciprocal representation agreements developed by CISAC and signed by its members ensures that author’s rights are protected and administered around the world and that each CMO is in a position to offer licensing solutions that cover broad repertoire. This system also ensures that royalties flow to authors wherever they are in the world.

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Russian Ministry of Culture considers idea to help Roskomnadzor to block pirate resources without court order

Russian Ministry of Culture (MinCult) proposed to develop a mechanism protecting national movies and preventing their illegal distribution in Internet. Sounds like a call. So, there is no legal proposal in the form of draft law. There is no draft law, but initiative is presented as legal proposal on portal of legal acts. It is not the first idea of MinCult to restrict access to pirate content in Internet without court’s participation.

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The Intellectual Property (Unjustified Threats) Act 2017 Business Guidance – Defences and Professional advisers

If the act which is the subject of a threat is shown to be an infringing act, or an intended act that (if carried out) would be infringing, the threat is justified. Justified threats of infringement are allowed. A person having made a threat may defend themselves in an unjustified threats action by showing that the threat was justified because infringement actually occurred or was intended.

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Russian ministry of communication has explained what means mirror of web-site

Russian ministry of communication (MinCom) has developed draft of governmental decree in order to implement the law on blocking of mirrors of web-sites. The right holders and Russian Roskomnadzor will have opportunity to require MinCom to qualify one or another web-site as a mirror of web-site, the access to which has been blocked under Russian law.

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Russian ministry of culture proposed to “impose” private copying levy on smart watch

Russian ministry of culture (MinCult) intends to amend relevant governmental decree in order to collect private copying levy from smart watch. Amendments are already agreed in order to be proposed to government. At the same time it is also proposed to exclude digital video cameras from taxable equipment.

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Proposal for regulation on the exercise of copyright and related rights for online transmissions of broadcasting in EU – ancillary online services

The ancillary online services covered by this Regulation (official document) are those services offered by broadcasting organisations which have a clear and subordinate relationship to the broadcast. They include services giving access to television and radio programmes in a linear manner simultaneously to the broadcast and services giving access, within a defined time period after the broadcast, to television and radio programmes which have been previously broadcast by the broadcasting organisation (so-called catch-up services).

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