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Category: Law

SWD IA on EU copyright modernisation – preservation of cultural heritage

Preservation by cultural heritage institutions (CHIs) faces legal uncertainty in the new technological environment. As in many cases preserving works requires copying them, the societal importance of preservation is reflected in national exceptions to the reproduction right for preservation purposes, which implement an optional EU exception for “specific acts of reproduction” by certain institutional users.

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Third edition of USA copyright office compendium – what is a sound recording?

Sound recordings are “works that result from the fixation of a series of musical, spoken, or other sounds, but not including sounds accompanying a motion picture or other audiovisual work, regardless of the nature of the material objects, such as disks, tapes or other phonorecords, in which they are embodied.”

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Shifting to Russian software is not so easy for Russian state companies

But the Russian government undertakes decisive step to make shifting from foreign to Russian software in Russian state companies completed in short term. One of such step has made first vice-premier and finance minister Anton Siluanov. He has singed directive prescribing Russian companies with state capital to complete shifting to Russian software in 2022 year. At least half of software, exploited by such companies, must be of Russian origin.

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Russian ministry of communication proposes to abolish licensing for reproduction of video, software and music on any material medium

When the mediums like CD or DVD were in demand and in order to prevent illegal distribution of movies, software and music on mediums and to comply with international copyright obligations the Russian legislators have introduced licensing procedure for those who want to manufacture and release content on such mediums like CD or DVD.

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Russian state duma introduced draft law on free satellite broadcasting

The draft law introduces amendments to Russian law on communication. The amendments aim to oblige satellite broadcasters to broadcast free of charge to households in places where the digital terrestrial broadcasting in not available. Under the Russian law each household has the right to receive certain pack of channels free of charge. As long as the analogue broadcasting is getting to be a history and not all households can receive digital signal the law aims to fix this problem.

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SWD IA on EU copyright modernisation – impacts of fourth option for text and data

Mandatory exception covering applicable to anybody who has lawful access (including both public interest research organisations and businesses) covering text and data mining for non-commercial and commercial scientific research purposes

The impact of Option 4 on research organisations in relation to legal certainty and transactions costs is similar to Option 3. Differently from the other options, because of the broader scope of application of the exception, Option 4 would specifically benefit researchers in commercial companies as they would no longer need a specific licence to mine content to which they have lawful access to.

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Third edition of USA copyright office compendium – description of authorship in musical work

Giving an instrument name (e.g., guitar, trumpet, or keyboard) as a description of authorship is unclear, because the instrument could refer either to the music, the performance, or both. To refer to the musical contribution, the applicant should use clear terms, such as music, melody, or arrangement after the instrument named (e.g., “music for guitar,” “trumpet melody,” or “keyboard arrangement”).

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Criminal case for counterfeited mineral water

Russian investigative committee has initiated criminal case for manufacturing and distribution of counterfeited mineral water “Essentuki” by organised group of persons suspected in committing a crime under article 180 of Russian criminal code for illicit use of means of individualization. This is the first criminal case for counterfeiting in such category of goods.

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