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Category: Law

How The Queen’s Corgi triumphed over Hurvínek in Russian screening race

The Russian rulings provide the Russian ministry of culture with right to change the date of release for foreign movie if the Russian movie is to be also released on the same dates. So most often the Hollywood movies fall under these rules. That is what happened with cartoon “The Queen’s Corgi”, but the outcome was unexpected.

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Meeting with celebrity is not consideration for copyright assignment

Fraser Munden and Michael Glasz are professional filmmakers specialized in documentary filmmaking. They operate a production company under the name Thoroughbred Pictures Inc. which was incorporated in 2013. Fraser is responsible for the creative works and Michael is responsible for the administration of the company. Alexandre Choko, is a real estate agent who, at all relevant times herein, was a boxing promoter, author of a published work entitled “The Future of Boxing” and boxer.

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Third edition of USA copyright office compendium – registration issues linked to sound recordings

A sound recording and the music, lyrics, words, or other underlying content embodied in that recording are separate works. For example, the song “Amazing Grace” and a recording of Aretha Franklin singing “Amazing Grace” are two distinct works. The song itself (i.e., the music and lyrics) is a “musical work.” A recording of that song performed by a particular artist is a “sound recording.”

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Should the traditional mass media be liable for fake news?

The traditional mass media in Russia – traditional television and radio stations and print issues – are totally under control of the state. Most of them have also strong support from the state budget. But if these media provide information for huge massive audience, should they be liable for mistakes, i.e. for so called fake news made by mistake, omission or by any other reason. In other words, if traditional mass media provides incorrect information should it be liable?

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The new law on Russian internet autonomy can allow not abiding it

The new law on Russian internet autonomy would entail huge expenditures for Russian telecommunication companies. First of all they would need to buy new equipment for compliance and execution of new law. Actually the Russian state promised to provide the telecommunication operators, working in Russia, with necessary equipment. But it is not cheap. Therefore the Russian state budget needs a lot of funds in order to execute the proposed law.

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First application of administrative punishment by “link” in Russia

In Russia there is a law prohibiting the dissemination of explicit content in internet. The liability for violation of such law should bear also the owner of mass media or operator of web-site where the content is published or through with the explicit content is disseminated. The Russian online media resource Vedomosti has been fined for dissemination of explicit content despite the fact that there was warning and the content in question has been available on twitter through the link.

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No quota for screening of foreign movies in Russian cinemas

Russian ministry of culture (MinCult) has once proposed to set up a quota for screening foreign movies in Russian cinemas. The proposal was aimed at Hollywood movies in order to secure more opportunities for Russian movies. Mincult was of opinion that such measure would have positive impact on Russian box office and movie industry.

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Is a laptop with pre-installed software a fair deal?

Mr Deroo-Blanquart acquired a Sony laptop in France which was equipped with pre-installed software including Windows Vista Home Premium operating system and various other software applications. When using that computer for the first time, Mr Deroo-Blanquart refused to subscribe to the operating system’s ‘end-user licence agreement’ (EULA), displayed on that computer’s screen, and requested, on 30 December 2008, reimbursement from Sony of the part of the purchase price of the computer corresponding to the cost of the pre-installed software.

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SWD IA on EU copyright modernisation – impacts of second option for preservation of cultural heritage

Mandatory harmonised exception for preservation purposes by cultural heritage institutions

Impacts on legal certainty for preservation of cultural heritage: This option would be effective for CHIs as all of them (including for example museums and film heritage institutions in all EU MS) would be in the position to carry out preservation reproductions of works in their permanent collections with legal certainty and with digital technologies.

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