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Category: Law

Third edition of USA copyright office compendium – publication issues of sound recordings for copyright registration purposes

For sound recordings, publication is the distribution of phonorecords of a work to the public by sale or other transfer of ownership or by rental, lease, or lending. Offering to distribute phonorecords to a group of persons for purposes of further distribution or public performance constitutes publication. A public performance of a sound recording does not, in and of itself, constitute publication.

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Russian senators developed draft law on digital profile

According to the draft law the digital profile would be a platform where the different information and data on citizens are to be collected. The draft law also provides new definition – the electronic id. The main aim of the draft law is to adapt to digital environment in modern world and achieving purposes of relevant national agenda. The draft law provides main principles for regulation of person distance identification and authentication.

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Russian ministry of culture proposed to examine being in demand of Russian artists

Sometimes Russian authorities proposed some things with the aim to build and improve the Russian market and economy. But the outcome of such proposal is often one step back to the Soviet Union. Quit recently the Russian Ministry of Culture has proposed to examine the being in demand of Russian artists in order to decide whether to extend the term of agreement or to conclude the new one.

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RKN is ready to help Russian book publishers to sign anti-piracy memorandum

Russian internet watchdog Roskomnadzor (RKN) has stated it is ready to be the platform for dialogue between search engines and publishers of electronic and traditional books in order to conclude anti-piracy memorandum for books. Previously it was singed anti-piracy memorandum for audio-visual works between major Russian right holders and Russian internet companies, the Google was not the signatory of memo and likely would not the signatory for books’ publishers memo.

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Russia and the special 301 report 2019

The Special 301 Report (Report) is the result of an annual review of the state of IP protection and enforcement in U.S. trading partners around the world, which the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) conducts pursuant to Section 182 of the Trade Act of 1974. This Report provides an opportunity to call out foreign countries and expose the laws, policies, and practices that fail to provide adequate and effective IP protection and enforcement for U.S. inventors, creators, brands, manufacturers, and service providers.

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Impact assessment on the modernisation of EU copyright rules – use of protected content by online services

It is a problem, because rightholders have no or limited control over the use and the remuneration for the use of their content by services storing and giving access to large amounts of protected content uploaded by their users.

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Third edition of USA copyright office compendium – the author of sound recording

Generally, the applicant should provide the name(s) of the individual(s) who created the sound recording, and should not name the performing group as an organizational author, unless the group is a legal entity and the sound recording is a work made for hire. Naming the individuals as the authors of the sound recording rather than the performing group creates a clearer public record, because membership in the performing group may change over time.

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Don’t forget your id if you are going to cinema in Russia

The Russian state duma has authorized the requirement to show passport or id if the person is going to watch movie in cinema. If the movie is 18+, in other words for persons who is over 18, the cashier or controller in cinema has the right to take a look at the passport of visitor if the cashier or controller have doubt in relation to the age of visitor.

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Human rights council asked Putin to decline and improve the law on fake news

Human rights council under the Russian president Vladimir Putin also does not like the new laws on fake news and insulting of Russian official authorities. The council asked the Putin to reject the law, but it asked to improve these laws. According to the council the law “unproportionally restricts the right on freedom of expression”. The liability, provided for dissemination of fake news, is excessive council believes.

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Russian state duma approved the idea to equate paper and digital agreements

The new amendments to Russian civil code provide new type of rights – the digital rights. These amendments define what the digital right is. Actually new amendments aim to regulate crypto assets, digital financial assets and alternative means of investments (сrowd funding). It seems not so soon all amendments will became an adopted law.

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