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Category: Law

Third edition of USA copyright office compendium – dramatic works

For purposes of copyright registration, a dramatic work is a composition generally in prose or verse that portrays a story that is intended to be performed for an audience such as plays, musicals, or operas. Generally, a dramatic work represents the action as it occurs rather than simply narrating or describing the action. Some dramatic works include music.

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Even trolling can be treated as insulting of judge

David Diptych “The Judgment of Cambyses”

In Russia there is one interesting occasion. In The commercial court of Krasnodar there is one bankrupt case. The party of the case has sent to judge the motion in envelope with reproduction of “The Judgement of Cambyses”. There was not anything special in motion. It even does not matter what the case is about, the matter is the judge got indignant and scheduled separate court meeting in order to find out why the party has sent its motion in envelope with questionable reproduction.

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Russian Google Yandex can go the Telegram’s way in Russia

As almost everybody knows the access to Telegram messenger services is to be restricted in Russia under court order. Despite the blocking the Telegram is functioning in Russia and the administration of Russian president has even announced a tender to monitoring popular Telegram channels. But Yandex can’t be so brave and strong like Telegram because it could lose its business in Russia, in other words it could be destroyed and the Russian internal market could be absolutely free for Google.

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SWD Impact assessment on the modernisation of EU copyright rules – impacts of baseline option for the use of protected content by online services

Impact on creative industries’ and right holders’ capacity to control better the availability of their content on user uploaded content services and thereby negotiate with the services the conditions of such use: as the implementation by the services of technologies, such as content identification technologies, will remain voluntary and based on the terms set by the services, it is likely that the baseline scenario will not lead to improvements for rightholders who are likely to continue having difficulties to enter into negotiations and/or negotiate fair terms for the use of their content.

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Third edition of USA copyright office compendium – application tips for sound recording copyright registration

If the applicant intends to register (draft) a sound recording or a sound recording combined with the underlying musical work, dramatic work, or literary work embodied in that recording, the applicant must select “Sound Recording” when completing the online application or must use Form SR when completing a paper application.

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New financial conditions for touring of Russian theaters

Russian ministry of culture (MinCult) has changed the financial conditions for touring. The new federal agenda “Major touring” include new criterion defining financial support allocated to Russian theaters in order to help the bear costs associated with touring. For example, new rules preclude opportunity to fly in business class and receive fixed royalties for each performance. The business class will be available only honored artists (so called people’s artist) and art directors.

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Federal antitrust service drafted procedure for compulsory licensing

Russian federal antitrust service has drafted and published for public discussion the procedure providing compulsory licensing in medical industry. Actually the heading of procedure shows that the potential appliance of this procedure can go much beyond of medicine. “On procedure to make decision in the interests of defense and security, including gin order to protect citizens’ live and health, to exploit invention, utility model or industrial design without right holder’s consent and with payment to right holder respective remuneration”.

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How to choose between actual or statutory damages – simply inform the court

When Robert Smith (aka Bigg Robb) recorded his song Looking for a Country Girl, he probably was not looking for a legal battle, too. But Bernard Thomas (aka Bishop Bullwinkle) copied the beat from Smith’s song to make a new one – called Hell 2 Da Naw Naw – and suddenly became famous. Understandably upset at his work being copied, Smith informed Thomas of the issue and attempted to negotiate a resolution. When that failed, he sued and won.

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SWD Impact assessment on the modernisation of EU copyright rules – options for the use of protected content by online services


No policy intervention. This option would rely on the voluntary deployment of technologies by user uploaded content services, which will continue to apply their own terms and level of transparency as to the functioning of the technologies.

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