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Category: Internet

SWD Impact assessment on the modernisation of EU copyright rules – impacts of first option for the use of protected content by online services

Stakeholder dialogues between rightholders and services which store and give access to large amounts of content uploaded by their users

Due to its voluntary nature, it seems unlikely that stakeholder dialogues will result in sufficient improvements in the take up, efficiency and transparency of technologies in comparison to the possible evolution of the market.

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Russian Google Yandex can go the Telegram’s way in Russia

As almost everybody knows the access to Telegram messenger services is to be restricted in Russia under court order. Despite the blocking the Telegram is functioning in Russia and the administration of Russian president has even announced a tender to monitoring popular Telegram channels. But Yandex can’t be so brave and strong like Telegram because it could lose its business in Russia, in other words it could be destroyed and the Russian internal market could be absolutely free for Google.

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Ministry of culture wants to count each film view in online cinemas

Russian Ministry of Culture (MinCult) has proposed to track each film view in online cinema in special system (single federal informational automatic system of data on films demonstrations in cinema spaces). According to MinCult’s idea online cinemas have to connect to this system and provide it with data required and at their own account. Certainly online cinemas don’t like this idea.

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Commission sends Statements of Objections to Valve and five videogame publishers on “geo-blocking” of PC video games

The European Commission has informed Valve, owner of the “Steam” video game distribution platform, and five videogame publishers, of its preliminary view that the companies prevented consumers from purchasing videogames cross-border from other Member States, in breach of EU competition rules.

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SWD Impact assessment on the modernisation of EU copyright rules – impacts of baseline option for the use of protected content by online services

Impact on creative industries’ and right holders’ capacity to control better the availability of their content on user uploaded content services and thereby negotiate with the services the conditions of such use: as the implementation by the services of technologies, such as content identification technologies, will remain voluntary and based on the terms set by the services, it is likely that the baseline scenario will not lead to improvements for rightholders who are likely to continue having difficulties to enter into negotiations and/or negotiate fair terms for the use of their content.

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Russian Facebook VKontakte intends to settle copyright infringement lawsuit

Many Russian right holders have tried to “punish” Russian popular social network VKontakte – Russian Facebook – for copyright infringement. Users of this social network like Vkontakte because you can get satisfaction for your taste in music, video or even books. But in most cases right holders failed because Vkontakte’s position is always the same – “we are only informational intermediary”, therefore “we are not liable if the user posts or links to any illegal content”, “we can only takedown such content in our network”.

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Right holders are dissatisfied by Yandex’s execution of antipiracy memo

Major Russian right holders, holding rights in audio-visual works, and Yandex have signed anti-piracy memorandum, the agreement aiming to delete links or pirate web-sites from search results. In order to execute this memo Yandex have developed its own bot – special software searching for illegal sources of right holders’ content. The bot is not only means of memo execution, but the main, and right holders, who signed this memo, are dissatisfied on its work.

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Pirates lose their ad money thanks to VPN?

VPN allows circumventing geographical restriction of access to certain web-site if it is blocked. But most web-sites, including those “pirate”, rely on advertising; their most part of revenue is derived from advertising. One informational agency spoke with operator of one so called pirate site. What exactly distributes such site it is unknown, but the operator says some interesting things.

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