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Category: Internet

Roskomnadzor knows who disseminates fake news in Russia

Russian internet watchdog Roskomnadzor has made a little surprise for Russian public. It has published on its web-site the list of resources where it has found fake news, in other words the Russian internet watchdog has pointed by finder who disseminates fake news in Russia. But the fact is this list is very strange because the mass media have been mentioned in this list because they don’t read all comments in their accounts on social networks.

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Fighting with piracy by white listing and little bit more for today…

How to fight piracy in internet? The question is rhetorical. Many countries develop and implement in their national law systems different mechanisms aiming to reduce illegal distruction of illicit articles or content. But Russian experts have much better idea – white listing of web-resources. It is some kind of idea to make internet like closed club with entrance fee. If you want you web-site online – licence it not for content, but for declaration that it is legal.

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Online cinemas don’t want share with MinCult online box office figures

Recently the Russian ministry of culture has proposed to oblige online cinemas to share statistics showing how many times the movie has been streamed. This proposal could benefit right holders as they would know how for sure how many royalties they should receive. But this idea is not welcomed by online cinemas themselves. They have express their concerns in the letter to the deputy of minister of culture.

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SWD IA on the EU copyright modernization – impacts of third option for press publishers

As Option 2 plus introduction, in EU law, of the possibility for MS to provide that publishers may claim compensation for uses under an exception

This option would have a positive impact on all publishers, in particular book and scientific publishers but also on press publishers regarding their ability to receive compensation for uses under exceptions (notably the reprography exception). For other publishers, in particular book and scientific publishers, Option 3 is highly significant, as their publications are often used under an exception such as private copying.

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Russian ministry of culture wants to know online box office

The Russian ministry of culture intends to oblige online cinemas to provide data on each run of movie, in other words the ministry wants to know how many times the movie was streamed. The declared purpose of this legal proposal is simple check how effective the Russian budget supports the Russian movie industry. The real purpose is prosaic and old as this world – the authorities want to know where the money flow.

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New EU study shows decreasing illegal content consumption

This study follows the first edition of the Intellectual Property and Youth Scoreboard (2016). The specific aim of the research is to understand which drivers and barriers are the strongest when acquiring online digital content or purchasing physical goods that are offered legally and illegally. The 2019 study is based on repeating the same online survey of 2016 among young people (aged 15-24) in the 28 EU Member States (EU28), to highlight the similarities and differences between then and now.

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Apple out of Russia, first fine for fake news and little bit more for today…

Russian state duma has adopted the draft law on mandatory pre-sale installation of Russian software on gadgets in the second reading. If this draft law enters into force in Russia the Apple and Google would be obliged to work with Russian software developers, because their smartphones (cells) should contain the Russian applications in oder to be sold in Russian internal market. Whether Apple or Google consider option to agree with new “idea” provided in draft law or to leave Russian market?

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Mass media asked RKN to clarify hyperlink punishment

Not so long time ago the Russian internet watchdog Roskomnadzor has claryfied that the hyperlink to web-site or web-page, containing informatino forbidden for dissemination in Russia, is also dissemination of information in violation of Russian law. In other words if you place hyperlink to web-site, regardles of its updating with content, you are liable for information on such web-site, even if the operator or owner of such web-site updated such information you have hyperlinked to.

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The Russian law on blocking messengers’ users is not feasible

The Russian ministry of communication believes the draft law, recently proposed and introduced to Russian state duma and providing blocking of electronic mail’ and messengers’ users are technically non-feasible. If the service would refuse to block user, it could face penalty up to 1 mln roubles. The ministry dislikes this draft law because it also contradicts to the principle of net neutrality. If the messengers and operators of electronic mail would be force to see and read their users’ correspondence they could migrate to VPN and foreign communication services like Gmail, Yahoo and others.

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Telegram blocked in Russia, but is not forbidden

On other words if the access to certain web-site or online service is restricted in Russia wether under Russian law, court order or prosecutor’s requirement, you would not violate the law by visiting such service. The purpose of blocking is restriction of access, but such restriction should be justified. By why to block certain web-site or service? One of the reasons could be the violation of law. But if the service or web-site is blocked does it mean its availability is forbidden in Russia?

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