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Category: Internet

SWD Impact assessment on the modernisation of EU copyright rules – impacts of baseline option

Under the baseline scenario, broadcasters would continue facing high transaction costs linked to licensing of rights for cross-border online transmissions, including for their own programmes. Existing voluntary initiatives aimed at promoting the aggregation of rights and the granting of multi-territorial licences could nevertheless contribute to facilitating the clearance of rights for musical works and phonograms used in in radio and TV broadcasts.

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Russian vice premier of Russian government instructed to establish common digital music library

Olga Golodec, the vice premier of Russian government, at the meeting of All-Russian choral society has instructed its members to establish single digital music library. Such library must consist of sheets music, texts and recordings of exemplary performance of musical works.

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The Russian courts find out whether quotation is only for textual works or it can be also for images

The case is about quotation of images. One media house (defendant) has published in its articles and on its web-site the photographs of Russian popular blogger Varlamov (plaintiff). Varlamov did not like it and has filed a lawsuit for copyright infringement. He lost the case. The court of first instance ruled it was simple quotation – copyright exception. Varlamov appealed.

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You should have at least interest in copyright in order to bring a copyright suit

Greg Young is an individual who works in visual art publishing. Beginning in 1992, Young did business under the d/b/a “Greg Young Publishing” (“GYP”). Beginning in 2007, he began using the d/b/a “Greg Young International” (“GYI”). On December 18, 2007, he created GYPI, a California corporation. Young has worked with a number of visual artists. Since 2010, Young has been the licensing agent for Scott Westmoreland, an artist who creates landscape and beach-themed art.

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Retrospective: digital rights – background, systems, assessment

The copyright environment consists of three main aspects: rights (what can be protected by copyright) and exceptions (e.g. copies for private use or for public libraries); enforcement of rights (sanctions for making illegal copies and for trading in circumvention devices); and management of rights (exploiting the rights). In the online world, management of rights may be facilitated by the use of technical systems called digital rights management (DRM) systems. The paper sought to provide policy guidance on the use of technology at an important time.

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SWD Impact assessment on the modernisation of EU copyright rules – options to achieve the objectives (option 3 and discarded options)

Option 3 – Application of country of origin to the clearing of rights for the services covered by Option 2 and for TV and radio-like linear online transmissions (and services ancillary to such transmissions)

This option would cover, in addition to the services covered under Option 2, TV and radio-like linear online transmissions which are not linked to a broadcast but are online only transmissions (webcasting) and services ancillary to the webcast (such as catch-up and previews of the webcasts). The “country of origin” (CoO) rule would apply to such services.

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What interfere USA with enjoyment of IP in Russia according to MPAA

Russia’s customs authorities continue to assess duties on the royalty value of some imported audiovisual materials, rather than solely on the physical value of carrier medium. This is contrary to standard international practice. Such assessments are a form of double taxation, since royalties are also subject to withholding, income, value-added and remittance taxes.

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Mid-Term Review on the implementation of the Digital Single Market Strategy

The Commission has conducted a fact-finding exercise on platform-to-business trading practices. Preliminary results indicate that some online platforms are engaging in trading practices which are to the potential detriment of their professional users, such as the removal (‘delisting’) of products or services without due notice or without any effective possibility to contest the platform’s decision.

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Proposals to Directive on copyright in DSM – communication to the public

Over the last years, the functioning of the online content marketplace has gained in complexity. Online services providing access to copyright protected content uploaded by their users have flourished and have become main sources of access to content online. Legal uncertainty exists as to whether such online services engage in copyright relevant acts and need to obtain authorisations from rightholders for the content uploaded by their users who do not hold the relevant rights in the uploaded content.

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