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Category: Internet

Russian ministry of communication has proposed to restrict access to web-sites in Russia without court order

Russian governmental body Ministry of communication (MinCom) has developed and proposed a new draft law – amendments to Russian law on information, its protection and informational technologies. These amendments aim to facilitate restriction of access to any web-site in Russia if such web-site contains information, justifying or reasoning extremism or terrorist activity.

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Russian internet corporation asked Supreme Court and State Duma for amnesty for internet users jailed in Russia for reposts and likes in social networks

Russian internet company – the owner of popular Russian social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki – asked the Russian Supreme Court to provide legal definition for such terms like “post”, “re-post”, “sharing”, “share”, “like” etc. The company believes legal definitions could ensure objective consideration and assessment of criminal cases in courts in relation to persons accused of terrorism or extremism activity in internet.

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Russian ministry of economy disliked the rules drafted for implementation of Yarovaya law

Yarovaya law is significant burden for Russian telecommunication companies. Under this law they are obliged to keep a lot of information, including communication between their subscribers. There is the law – so called Yarovaya law, but there are no rules, implementing this law. The Russian companies are in very strange position – they have to comply with Yarovaya law, but they can’t do this – there are no rules, prescribing how to do it under the law.

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Roskomnadzor blocked innocent web-sites lawfully, the court rules

When the Russian court decided the Telegram is to blocked in Russia, the Russian internet watchdog Roskomnadzor proceed to restrict access to this messenger in Russia. But the messenger did not intend to give up and most Russian media space witness the battle between Roskomandzor and Telegram. Telegram changed its IP addresses and Roskomnadzor blocked millions of them. Many web-sites were blocked, just because their IP address allegedly has been used by Telegram for circumvention of blocking.

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Russian Facebook, social network VKontakte, knows how to protect its users from prosecution for reposts

The Russian popular social network VKontakte – Russian Facebook – has declared new changed in privacy settings for its users. New coming changes in privacy settings aim to protect users of Russian social network from unjustified prosecution for reposts and likes. The changes should be fundamental for recent years. The users should receive opportunity to shield the public availability of their personal profiles from everyone except friends or chosen person.

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Russian Senate proposed to guarantee net neutrality in Russia by law

The council on the development of the digital economy has proposed to guarantee the net neutrality by law. Under net neutrality the council understands the principle when internet providers are obliged to provide internet traffic from any web-resource (social network, online cinema etc.) without any limits or priority. Internet providers claim such law could negatively affect their business, including by way of excluding revenues from “tariff maneuvers”.

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Russian internet company called to free unjustly convicted internet users

In Russia new trend gathers pace – Russian enforcement authorities have special departments combating extremism. Officers from these departments are sitting all days long in Russian social networks, like Vkontake or odnoklassniki (classmates) and searching for extremist materials. Foreign social networks, like Facebook, are not so interesting for them for one simple reason – Russian social network provide all necessary information in order to prosecute the person.

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Russian telecommunication companies are not able to comply with Yarovaya law

Yarovaya law, adopted in Russia, is aimed to improve the protection of national security. This law obliges telecommunication companies to keep recorded communications between their subscribers (text, calls etc.). Telecommunication companies claimed this law caused high transaction and operational costs for them, but Russian governmental body – the ministry of communication – believed such costs would not be so high, they are acceptable.

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SWD IA on EU copyright modernisation – options for use of protected content in digital and cross-border teaching activities


No policy intervention. In MS where digital uses are not clearly allowed under the national teaching exception, this option would consist in relying on market developments (e.g. further development of collective licensing schemes, publishers’ digital offers) to offer solutions that allow teachers and students to use protected content in teaching activities supported by digital tools or taking place online. At the same time, certain MS could decide to amend their national exceptions – based on the optional teaching exception in Article 5(3)a of the InfoSoc Directive, which allows digital uses – to clarify the extent to which certain digital uses are covered in their MS.

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