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Category: Internet

It was proposed to introduce a licensing for video bloggers in Russia

Vladimir Soloviev, the head of the Russian Reporters Union, proposed to provide obligatory licensing for reporters making videos on YouTube channels. Such mandatory licensing has to solve the problem of fake news. But what the phrase “our colleagues” means he did not clear. It could include any video blogger. The problem of fake news requires solution in the form of legal regulation he believes.

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When the twitter account is a trade secret

BH Media Group, Inc. is the owner and operator of thirty-one daily newspapers across the USA, which also include the Roanoke Times (the “Times”). In addition to providing print news sources, BH Media also provides marketing and advertising opportunities for partners wishing to reach large audiences both in print and via online marketing and advertising avenues, including Facebook and Twitter.

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Yandex gets ready to the battle with right holders

Right holders in Russia claim Yandex does not do enough to fight piracy, it could be said otherwise – right holders accuse Yandex of facilitating internet piracy in Russia. Certainly Yandex denies all accusation and claim it works strictly in accordance with current Russian law, including copyright law. Right holders don’t believe Yandex. They believe Yandex makes money on piracy.

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The paradox of Russian law system – the law is in force but impossible to be implemented

One famous Russian writer once has said: the rigor of the Russian law is diminished by their disregard. It should be added at the end “at all levels”. In 2017 in Russia it has been adopted a law on online video services. It is very rigorous. For example, if Netflix would like to operate in Russia it has to receive governmental approval. But the situation is not simple for Russian legal system and very lucky for Netflix, YouTube and similar services.

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Russian TV channels asked the court to block Yandex for copyright infringement

Russian TV channels, belonging to major Russian media holding Gazprom Media, have applied to Moscow court for preliminary measures in relation to Russian search engine Yandex for copyright infringement. The court sided with applicants and notified Russian internet watchdog Roskomnadzor thereof.

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Russian Central Bank wants to expand the scope of its right to block web-sites in Russia

A new draft law is developing in order to provide the Russian Central Bank with authority to restrict access to certain web-sites in Russian without court order. The draft law is targeted at web-sites used for financial fraud. For Russian financial regulator it is irrelevant whether web-site is hosted or operated in Russia or overseas. Currently the draft law passes the interdepartmental consideration and the final version should be agreed near future.

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Major Russian media companies have taken off their online broadcasting from main Yandex’s main page

A few major Russian media companies – Gazprom Media, National Media Group and The First Channel – have taken off their online broadcastings from main page of Russian search engine Yandex’s due to piracy accusations. Media companies not alone in their concerns. Not so long time ago right holders in entertainment content have accused Yandex of piracy.

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Russian ministry of communication upholds decriminalization for re-posts, posts and likes in social networks

This summer the group of deputies from Russian state duma proposed to decriminalize posting, re-posting, sharing or likes in social networks. The Russian ministry of communication (now it is Russian ministry of digital development, connectivity and mass communication) upholds this idea. The deputy of minister of communication said that criminal liability for re-posts and likes in social networks is to be overruled.

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Russian Federal Antitrust Service finally decided what monopoly is in Russian internet

Russian Federal Antitrust Service (FAS) develops fifth set of laws for antitrust regulation in digital markets. FAS has determined what is monopoly in Russian internet – in order to be considered as monopoly the market share of “interchangeable services” must be more than 35%. But there is still no clarity what is market of “interchangeable services”.

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