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Category: Internet

Russian state duma upheld the law on restrictions for news aggregators in Russia

The law on restrictions for news aggregators in Russia has passed first reading in Russian state duma. The amendments are to be made till the end of this year. The Russian IT company Yandex, operator and owner of service Yandex.News, and Russian ministry of communication (MinCom) did not like the draft law. Both believe the law provides excessive regulation.

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Russian ministry of communication proposes to abolish licensing for reproduction of video, software and music on any material medium

When the mediums like CD or DVD were in demand and in order to prevent illegal distribution of movies, software and music on mediums and to comply with international copyright obligations the Russian legislators have introduced licensing procedure for those who want to manufacture and release content on such mediums like CD or DVD.

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Yandex settles copyright lawsuit with audiovisual right holders

Russian IT company Yandex settles copyright dispute with audiovisual right holders belonging to Russian major media company Gazprom Media. Earlier right holders have sued Yandex for copyright infringement. In parallel they negotiated with IT company antipiracy memorandum. Finally IT company and right holders have signed it. One of condition to sign memo was dropping the lawsuit against Yandex.

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Russian state duma proposed to make instagram bloggers incorporated and pay taxes

The more holder or owner of instagram account has followers the more popular he or she can be deemed. If the blogger is popular he can count on profitable advertisement contracts. Good contracts can generate good revenue for blogger. The deputies from Russian state duma think this way. They believe if the popular blogger makes good money the taxes from these revenues are to be paid to the state budget.

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Hyperlink as copyright infringement

By its three questions (1, 2, 3), which should be examined together, the referring court asks, in essence, whether, and in what possible circumstances, the fact of posting, on a website, a hyperlink to protected works, freely available on another website without the consent of the copyright holder, constitutes a ‘communication to the public’ within the meaning of Article 3(1) of Directive 2001/29.

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Book publishers have proposed Yandex to sign antipiracy memorandum for books

The Russian association on copyright protection, working in interests of Russian book publishers, has proposed Yandex to sign antipiracy memorandum similar with those signed with audiovisual right holders but for digital and audio books. The association has also notified Roskomandzor thereof.

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