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Category: Intellectual property

EP’s position on cross-border exchange of IP objects under Marrakesh Treaty

The European parliament has adopted its position at first reading on regulation laying dawn uniform rules on the cross-border exchange of accessible format copies of certain works and other subject matter between the Union and third countries that are parties to the Marrakesh Treaty.

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2017 USA Notorious Market List

The Notorious Markets List highlights prominent and illustrative examples of online and physical marketplaces that reportedly engage in, facilitate, turn a blind eye to, or benefit from substantial piracy and counterfeiting. A goal of the List is to motivate appropriate action by owners, operators, and service providers in the private sector of these and similar markets, as well as governments, to reduce piracy and counterfeiting.

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Guidance on IPRED: ensuring a balanced regime for injunctions and intermediaries – scope of injunctions and digital evidence

While it is initially the applicant who is to specify in his application the scope of an injunction he considers appropriate to prevent an imminent infringement or to stop an ongoing one, it is the competent judicial authority which is to decide on that application.

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SWD IA on EU copyright modernisation – problem with access to and availability of EU AV on VOD

A first important difficulty derives from, contractual blockages generally linked to licensing practices based on exclusivity of exploitation rights and on the release windows system. They limit the online availability of AV works on VoD platforms.

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Third edition of USA copyright office compendium – compilations and collective works


The Copyright Act defines a “compilation” as “a work formed by the collection and assembling of preexisting materials or of data that are selected, coordinated, or arranged in such a way that the resulting work as a whole constitutes an original work of authorship.”

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Reasons for Vitorino’s recommendations on private copying and reprography levies: establishment of the level of tariffs

It can take several years to decide whether a given category of devices should be subject to a levy, and if so, what its level should be. Furthermore, the payment may reach rightholders only a long time after a given product is put on the market and the ‘harm’ has occurred.

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RuTracker’s users can participate personally in its expansion

RuTracker has proposed its users to help web-resource to protect from Roskomnadzor and other Russian watchdogs and any restriction of access. Thanks to amendments to Russian law, it is possible to restrict access even to mirror of web-site, which was blocked in Russia, and sometimes even VPN is powerless to circumvent blocking. RuTracker’s idea is something similar to P2P principle – multiple domains would provide multiple accesses to main web-site.

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