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Category: Intellectual property

Almost 14-years old EU parliament position on recommendation for film heritage

This recommendation aims at fostering better exploitation of the industrial and cultural potential of European film heritage by encouraging policies of innovation, research and technological development in the field of conservation and restoration of cinematographic works. The hereinafter recommended actions aim to ensure that the conditions necessary for the competitiveness of the Community’s film industry exist and accelerate the development of its competitiveness.

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Russian authors’ society filed suit against music festival Nashestvie for missing royalties

Russian authors’ society, the Russian collective management organisation, having state accreditation for collection and distribution of royalties for public performance right in offline environment, has filed a suit against organizer of music festival Nashestvie 2018 for unpaid royalties.

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SWD IA on EU copyright modernisation – impacts of baseline option for use of protected content in digital and cross-border teaching activities

The legal uncertainty faced by educational establishments and teachers in certain MS for digital uses is expected to persist under the baseline option. Only reforms at national level or developments in the licensing market could contribute to reduce it. A certain number of MS (e.g. ES, UK) have recently amended their legislation to clarify that the teaching exception applies to content used in secure electronic environments.

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Third edition of USA copyright office compendium – Works describing and documents generated by computer program

Diagrams, Models, Outlines, Pseudocode, and Other Types of Works That Illustrate or Describe a Computer Program

Diagrams, models, outlines, pseudocode, or other types of works that illustrate or describe the structure or order of operation for a computer program may be registered with the U.S. Copyright Office, provided that they contain a sufficient amount of original authorship. However, such illustrations or descriptions may not be claimed as computer programs.

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Russian educational supervising authority proposed to check bachelor’s diploma works on the subject of plagiarism

Russian prime-minister Dmitry Medvedev and presidents of Russian higher educational institutions have organized a meeting this July. At the meeting propositions, aiming to improve the system of state accreditation for institutions of higher education, have been discussed.

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The members of Russian Senate proposed new IP object – geographical indication

The members of Russian Senate have proposed for consideration a new draft law providing new intellectual property object – geographical indication. The draft law is currently considered. Explanation note states that it protection of geographical indication is necessary in Russia.

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SWD IA on EU copyright modernisation – options for use of protected content in digital and cross-border teaching activities


No policy intervention. In MS where digital uses are not clearly allowed under the national teaching exception, this option would consist in relying on market developments (e.g. further development of collective licensing schemes, publishers’ digital offers) to offer solutions that allow teachers and students to use protected content in teaching activities supported by digital tools or taking place online. At the same time, certain MS could decide to amend their national exceptions – based on the optional teaching exception in Article 5(3)a of the InfoSoc Directive, which allows digital uses – to clarify the extent to which certain digital uses are covered in their MS.

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Third edition of USA copyright office compendium – Documentation for a Computer Program and Apps

User Manuals and Other Documentation for a Computer Program

User manuals, instructional booklets, flowcharts, and other documentation that explain the development or operation of a computer program may be registered (draft) with the U.S. Copyright Office, provided that they contain a sufficient amount of original authorship.

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