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Category: Intellectual property

The Intellectual Property policy for education has been approved in Russia

The Russian Ministry of education (MinEdu) has approved the intellectual property policy. Russian educational institutions – universities, scientific organisations, high schools – should be guided by it when creating and handling objects of intellectual property. The MinEdu has confirmed it approved IP policy.

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Right holders and search engines consider idea of self-regulation in fighting piracy in Russia

Russian major right holders – media companies producing and distributing audio-visual content – discussing the opportunity to delete links to web-sites with illegal video content from search results without court order or any court participation; such opportunity could be realized in the form of voluntary agreement or memorandum obligatory for all its participants.

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Three years term of trademark disuse lasts regardless of trademark ownership

The company Media-Saturn-Holdin GmbH has filed a suit against Russian entrepreneur. The entrepreneur was the owner of trademark MediaMarkt in Russia for class 35, but – according to claimant – did not use it; the claimant sought to cease the trademark protection due to its disuse. The claimant believed it is “party concerned”. Despite the trademark owner’s letter to postpone consideration of the case, the case has been considered by the court in the absence of defendant.

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Yandex failed to overturn preliminary measures imposed in copyright infringement case

When the three television channels have filed a suit against Yandex, it was not going to give up. After the court has granted injunction against Yandex and issued an order to restrict access to Yandex as preliminary measure (Roskomnadzor did not execute this decision, because it knows, sometimes much better then court itself, whether there is copyright infringement or not) Yadnex opposed preliminary measure.

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Russian Hadopi has reported its fabulous outcomes on fights with piracy in internet

Despite the fact that many stakeholders from entertainment industry claim the current Russian copyright law in its part providing the measures against internet piracy is ineffective, the Roskomnadzor – internet watchdog and “Russian Hadopi” – reports how many pirate web-sites it has blocked and how many illegal copies of content have been deleted.

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SWD IA on EU copyright modernisation – Text and data mining: the problem and options

Text and Data Mining (TDM) is a term commonly used to describe the automated processing (“machine reading”) of large volumes of text and data to uncover new knowledge or insights. TDM can be a powerful scientific research tool to analyse big corpuses of text and data such as scientific publications or research datasets. Copyright issues contribute to the slow development of TDM in EU research.

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Third edition of USA copyright office compendium – derivative musical works

A derivative musical work is one that is based on one or more preexisting, copyrightable work(s) of any nature. The new music authorship may be registered if it represents sufficient new original authorship. The applicant should identify any preexisting work or works that the derivative work is based on or incorporates, and should provide a brief general statement identifying the additional material covered by the copyright claim being registered. Descriptions of new material might include:

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Yandex is not going to give up in fight with right holders

Three Russian television channels have filed complaints against Yandex aiming to block illegal copies of four serials. All three complaints require Yandex to “cease creation of technical conditions causing providing of illegal copies of audiovisual works in question in search results”. The complaints also seek 10 thousands Roubles as compensation for infringement of exclusive rights. Yandex is not agreed with position of TV channels and intends to oppose requirement to block referrals to pirate copies in search results.

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Axel Voss’s amendments to Copyright DSM on 12 September

The increasing imbalance between powerful platforms and press publishers, which can also be news agencies, has already led to a remarkable regression of the media landscape on a regional level. In the transition from print to digital, publishers and news agencies of press publications are facing problems in licensing the online use of their publications and recouping their investments. In the absence of recognition of publishers of press publications as right holders, licensing and enforcement in the digital environment is often complex and inefficient.

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SWD IA on EU copyright modernisation – impacts of third option for use of protected content in digital and cross-border teaching activities

Mandatory exception with a cross-border effect covering digital uses in the context of illustration for teaching, with the option for MS to make it (partially or totally) subject to the availability of licences

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