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Category: EU

SWD IA on EU copyright modernisation –options for problem with availability of EU AV on VOD


No policy intervention. This option would rely on the natural evolution (естественной эволюции) of the VoD market. As VoD will become an increasingly important way to access AV works in the coming years, it is likely to gain in financial attractiveness for rightholders.

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Do street musicians have to pay VAT from donations made by passers-by

It appears from the case-file that Mr Tolsma plays a barrel organ on the public highway in the Netherlands. During his musical performance he offers passers-by a collecting tin for their donations; he also sometimes knocks on the door of houses and shops to ask for donations, but without being able to claim any remuneration by right.

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White paper – a copyright policy for creativity and innovation in the European Union

In this White Paper, the Commission has presented its views on the main issues and possible course of action with respect to a number of policy questions and suggested further analysis on a number of others. Policy decisions on the issues raised in this document should be considered during the upcoming 2014-2019 legislative period.

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Reasons for Vitorino’s recommendations on private copying and reprography levies: specificities with regard to the reprography exception

The private copying exception and the reprography exception follow different approaches. Whereas the scope of the private copying exception is limited to reproductions that serve a specific purpose (“for private use”), the reprography exception covers reproductions on a specific medium (paper), using a specific method (“any kind of photographic technique”). Literally taken, reproductions on paper for private use are covered by both exceptions. The Directive does not regulate the relationship between the two exceptions.

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EP’s position on cross-border exchange of IP objects under Marrakesh Treaty

The European parliament has adopted its position at first reading on regulation laying dawn uniform rules on the cross-border exchange of accessible format copies of certain works and other subject matter between the Union and third countries that are parties to the Marrakesh Treaty.

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Guidance on IPRED: ensuring a balanced regime for injunctions and intermediaries – scope of injunctions and digital evidence

While it is initially the applicant who is to specify in his application the scope of an injunction he considers appropriate to prevent an imminent infringement or to stop an ongoing one, it is the competent judicial authority which is to decide on that application.

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SWD IA on EU copyright modernisation – problem with access to and availability of EU AV on VOD

A first important difficulty derives from, contractual blockages generally linked to licensing practices based on exclusivity of exploitation rights and on the release windows system. They limit the online availability of AV works on VoD platforms.

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Reasons for Vitorino’s recommendations on private copying and reprography levies: establishment of the level of tariffs

It can take several years to decide whether a given category of devices should be subject to a levy, and if so, what its level should be. Furthermore, the payment may reach rightholders only a long time after a given product is put on the market and the ‘harm’ has occurred.

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