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Category: Enforcement

EU Counterfeit and Piracy Watch List

The Watch List reflects the results of stakeholder consultations. It presents examples of reported marketplaces or service providers whose operators or owners are allegedly resident outside the EU and which reportedly engage in, facilitate or benefit from counterfeiting and piracy. The aim is to encourage the operators and owners as well as the responsible local enforcement authorities and governments to take the necessary actions and measures to reduce the availability of IPR infringing goods or services on these markets.

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Russian ministry of communication proposes to abolish licensing for reproduction of video, software and music on any material medium

When the mediums like CD or DVD were in demand and in order to prevent illegal distribution of movies, software and music on mediums and to comply with international copyright obligations the Russian legislators have introduced licensing procedure for those who want to manufacture and release content on such mediums like CD or DVD.

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Yandex settles copyright lawsuit with audiovisual right holders

Russian IT company Yandex settles copyright dispute with audiovisual right holders belonging to Russian major media company Gazprom Media. Earlier right holders have sued Yandex for copyright infringement. In parallel they negotiated with IT company antipiracy memorandum. Finally IT company and right holders have signed it. One of condition to sign memo was dropping the lawsuit against Yandex.

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Criminal case for counterfeited mineral water

Russian investigative committee has initiated criminal case for manufacturing and distribution of counterfeited mineral water “Essentuki” by organised group of persons suspected in committing a crime under article 180 of Russian criminal code for illicit use of means of individualization. This is the first criminal case for counterfeiting in such category of goods.

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Book publishers have proposed Yandex to sign antipiracy memorandum for books

The Russian association on copyright protection, working in interests of Russian book publishers, has proposed Yandex to sign antipiracy memorandum similar with those signed with audiovisual right holders but for digital and audio books. The association has also notified Roskomandzor thereof.

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Hennessy requested 5 mln Roubles compensation for trademark infringement

Company Societe Jas Hennessy et Compagnie has chosen to sue bootleggers for trademark infringement and sought 5 mln Roubles as compensation. The group of four persons from Russian town Voronezh has manufactured alcohol under famous brands. The court accepted the lawsuit and will consider it.

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The counterfeiting is a serious and widespread problem in Russia

Research by BrandMonitor, a company specializing in brand and trademark protection, indicated that two thirds of counterfeit sellers admit selling fakes. Moreover, 46% of those who admit selling fake goods assume they were not breaking the law. The fact that counterfeits can be a hazard for consumers’ health or safety is not a priority for merchandisers or even for consumers themselves. According to merchandisers, counterfeits is more attractive to consumers because of lower price.

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