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Category: Enforcement

Russian enforcement authorities explained what is insulting of authority

The Russian ministry of internal affairs (MIA) has drafted special paper, some king of clear explanation, describing what is insulting of state authority bodies or institutions. But the most important thing is that this paper or, if more officially, methodical recommendations, are not of obligatory nature. In other words recommendations only “recommend” and authorities can apply the new law on punishment for insulting of authorities at their own discretion.

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Roskomnadzor’s reciprocal mass media regulation in Russia

Russian internet watchdog Roskomnadzor (RKN) has decided to transpose the British approach to mass media regulation into Russia. Such decision has been made on reciprocal principle. The new supposed regulation is to be applied only to foreign mass media; the Russian mass media should be regulated as usual. UK regulator Ofcom has imposed on Russia Today because it believes RT has violated the principle of objectivity.

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First challenging of theatrical distribution of movies in constitutional court

Russian movie theatrical distributor has filed complaint to Russian constitutional court in order to challenge the rules for theatrical distribution. The distributor believes these rules are of censorship nature. The complaint states on violation of freedom and rights by the actions of Russian ministry of culture (MinCult). MinCult has the rights to shift release dates almost of any film in Russia or repeal the permission for theatrical distribution at all.

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It was proposed to define what “internet crime” is

The Russian commissioner for human rights – Tatyana Moskalkova – has proposed to define in law what the internet crime is. She believes new definition would help people to avoid prosecution for repost and sharing in social networks. The relevant committee in the Russian Council Federation believes such proposal deserves attention and should be considered.

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Senator wants to violate privacy of correspondence the Russian state duma believes

Recently the group of Russian senators has introduced the draft law aiming to control the ability of any internet user residing in Russia or using Russian emailing service to send electronic mail to anyone. According to proposal the email account holder can use it only if identification has been passed. The identification can be passed only through the cell phone number because it is to be assigned by the internal passport.

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Russian lawmakers want totally control the ability to emailing in Russia

A new draft law has been introduced to Russian state duma. This draft law proposes to enable electronic mail box for internet user only after checking of user’s cell phone. In other words under the draft law the emailing services is available for internet user only after his/her identification by cell phone. If identification fails for any reason the mailing service provider can disable emailing service.

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It is better penalize VPNs than block them believes Roskomnadzor

According to current Russian law if the VPN provides any internet user in Russia with access to any web-resource blocked in Russia such VPN is to be blocked. How Russian internet watchdog – The Roskomnadzor (RKN) – aims to implement such task is not clear, perhaps to block entire internet. Anyway, it considers another idea: to penalize them – imposing fines on VPN failing to block access to forbidden web-resource in Russia.

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Someone has set on fire the Roskomnadzor’s office for blocking of pirates

Russian internet watchdog Roskomnadzor should keep Russian internet save from external threats, including piracy. Each day its officers working hard in order to clear internet in Russia out of illegal stuff – whether it is pirated content, fake news or something else what is forbidden for dissemination in Russia. The illegal movies are not exception. One Russian citizens has set on fire one of the Russian Roskomandzor’s office, he made it three times.

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The CEO of Russian first channel knows how to tackle piracy

First of all the CEO divides his strategy in two parts. First part is the “follow the money” approach. The second main part is negotiating with search engines. It seems the last more complicated than deprive pirates of financial resources. The CEO said it is necessary to block the casino advertising. But according to last researches the casino advertising is not favorite among advertisers anymore.

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