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Category: Distribution

Russian ministry of communication proposes to abolish licensing for reproduction of video, software and music on any material medium

When the mediums like CD or DVD were in demand and in order to prevent illegal distribution of movies, software and music on mediums and to comply with international copyright obligations the Russian legislators have introduced licensing procedure for those who want to manufacture and release content on such mediums like CD or DVD.

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Yandex settles copyright lawsuit with audiovisual right holders

Russian IT company Yandex settles copyright dispute with audiovisual right holders belonging to Russian major media company Gazprom Media. Earlier right holders have sued Yandex for copyright infringement. In parallel they negotiated with IT company antipiracy memorandum. Finally IT company and right holders have signed it. One of condition to sign memo was dropping the lawsuit against Yandex.

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Hyperlink as copyright infringement

By its three questions (1, 2, 3), which should be examined together, the referring court asks, in essence, whether, and in what possible circumstances, the fact of posting, on a website, a hyperlink to protected works, freely available on another website without the consent of the copyright holder, constitutes a ‘communication to the public’ within the meaning of Article 3(1) of Directive 2001/29.

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Russian book publishers also want to sign antipiracy memorandum with internet companies

The chief of Russian book union asked the chief of Roskomandzor – the Russian internet watchdog – to assist in signing of antipiracy memorandum between book publishers and internet companies in order to fight piracy more effective. The antipiracy memo, signed between right holders and internet companies, covers only strict circle of right holders and only audio-visual works, the books and other types of copyrighted content are not included in memo.

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Russian audio-visual right holders and internet companies have signed anti-piracy memorandum

Russian major internet companies Yandex,, Rambler and RuTube together with Russian major audio-visual right holders Gazprom Media, National Media Group, First Channel, VGTRK, STS Media, association Internet Video and Association of movie and television producers have signed anti-piracy memorandum. This memorandum has been signed at the meeting hosted by Russian internet watchdog Roskomandzor.

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The Russian law on film festivals can be mitigated

The governmental law, making clear what is film festival and abolishing the licensing necessary for demonstration of such movies during the film festivals, has been adopted by Russian state duma this summer. Russian legislators believe the law is to be mitigated, therefore they consider relevant amendments. These amendments to the law on film festivals have passed first reading in Russian state duma.

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The owner of “pirated” librusec is not guilty “pirate”, the prosecutor’s office says

The prosecutor’s office has waived to proceed the criminal case in relation to owner of online library “Librusec”. “Librusec” is known as online library of literary works. On this resource different literary works have been published and available for downloading for certain payment. Uploading of works on this web-site was not authorized by right holders, at least in relation to works of major publishing houses.

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