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Category: Copyright

What interfere USA with enjoyment of IP in Russia according to MPAA

Russia’s customs authorities continue to assess duties on the royalty value of some imported audiovisual materials, rather than solely on the physical value of carrier medium. This is contrary to standard international practice. Such assessments are a form of double taxation, since royalties are also subject to withholding, income, value-added and remittance taxes.

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Australian Government Response to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Intellectual Property Arrangements

The Government recognises the inefficiencies and uncertainty that can arise from agreements which seek to exclude or restrict legal copyright exceptions and wants to ensure that statutory rights tofairly deal with copyright material are protected.

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Proposals to Directive on copyright in DSM – communication to the public

Over the last years, the functioning of the online content marketplace has gained in complexity. Online services providing access to copyright protected content uploaded by their users have flourished and have become main sources of access to content online. Legal uncertainty exists as to whether such online services engage in copyright relevant acts and need to obtain authorisations from rightholders for the content uploaded by their users who do not hold the relevant rights in the uploaded content.

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How Russian minister of culture resolved the dispute with copyright in popular cartoons between Danone and “Souzmulfilm”

There are a lot of popular Russian cartoons in Russia. Such cartoons have been produced in soviet times. Therefore almost nobody has cared about copyright. With appearance of private capital the copyright became a very important thing. Therefore the matter of copyright ownership suddenly arisen for some companies. Their business bases on copyright. Without rights in content the existence of such companies does not make a sense.

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Should architects be deprived of copyright in Russia?

Sometimes for certain entrepreneurs it is quite profitable to make business with state. Property development is not an exception. Development companies receive contracts and can be sure that they receive payments in full and in time. Russian state authorities believe they pay large sums of money; therefore they want to receive everything from contractor, including copyright in design and construction documentation.

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SWD Impact assessment on the modernisation of EU copyright rules – options to achieve the objectives (option 2)

Application of country of origin to the clearing of rights for broadcasters’ online services ancillary to their initial broadcast

Introduce a rule providing that as concerns the licensing of rights for certain online transmissions by broadcasting organisations, the copyright relevant act takes place solely in the MS where the broadcasting organisation is established. As a result, in order to provide certain services in the Union, rights would only need to be cleared for the “country of origin” (CoO) of the broadcasting organisation (and not for the countries of reception).

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Third edition of USA copyright office compendium – Identifying the work covered by a registration

The U.S. Copyright Office does not issue copyrights, but instead simply registers claims to copyright. The copyright in a work of authorship created or first published after January 1, 1978 is protected from the moment it is created, provided that the work is original and is fixed in a tangible medium of expression.

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Proposals to Directive on copyright in DSM – collaboration between ISP and rightholders

Collaboration between information society service providers and rightholders is essential for the functioning of the measures, such as content recognition technologies. These measures should be applied with regard to works and other subject-matter identified by rightholders at the request of such rightholders and in cooperation with them.

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SWD Impact assessment on the modernisation of EU copyright rules – options to achieve the objectives: baseline and option 1

It were assessed the baseline scenario, one non-legislative and two legislative options to facilitate licensing in order to enhance cross-border transmissions of TV and radio programmes online. The considered options are enabling options aiming to facilitate licensing of rights, in order to allow the market to respond gradually to legal and policy changes.

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