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Category: Copyright

The matter of proper licensing: ABKCO Music v Sagan

This copyright infringement case concerns a collection of live audio and audiovisual recordings of iconic songs that were recorded while being performed live in concert and thereafter acquired by defendants William E. Sagan, Bill Graham Archives, LLC, and Norton, LLC, from the late Bill Graham and operators of other concert venues. The collection primarily consists of recordings made from the 1960s to the 2000s.

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Russian legislator proposed to reduce copyright term for some IP objects in Russia

Russian deputy proposed new draft laws aiming to “confirm that the works of science, literature and art, created in soviet times on demand of state and at the cost of state, are in public domain”. The first draft law introduces amendment to article 1298 of Russian civil code and adding new item. This item states that works of science, literature or art, created in Soviet Union and published before 31 of December 1992 are in public domain.

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SWD IA on EU copyright modernisation – out-of-commerce works in the collections of cultural heritage institutions

Digitisation and dissemination of out-of-commerce works held by cultural heritage institutions, including across borders, in ‘mass digitisation’ projects, is adversely affected by difficulties in clearing rights. The digitisation and dissemination of in-copyright OoC works as part of ‘mass digitisation’ efforts is however faced by distinct difficulties and high transaction costs for clearing the relevant rights. This problem contrasts with the inherently low current commercial value of the works at stake.

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Third edition of USA copyright office compendium – correspondence and interviews

Letters, Email, and Other Written Correspondence

Letters, emails, journals, diaries, and other forms of written correspondence may be registered if they contain a sufficient amount of copyrightable expression and if the claimant owns the copyright in that material. When submitting an application to register these types of works, the applicant should limit the claim to the text, artwork, and/or photographs that appear in the work.

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Russian legislators proposed to ban apps for copyright infringement

They proposed the new draft law. It introduces new definition – the owner of app. App owner is the owner of software for computer where the information, containing copyrighted subject matter excluding photos or containing information necessary in order to receive such copyrighted subject-matter with help of telecommunication networks, is placed without proper permission of right holder or other legal ground.

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Russian IP court uses Microsoft’s software illegally?

It is very strange situation, when the court, protecting and securing intellectual property rights in Russia, is accused of copyright infringement. One law office, Paragon, has required Russian general prosecutor office and department of court to check Russian intellectual property court on the subject of copyright infringement.

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The digital codes battle between Disney and Redbox

Disney owns the copyrights to several well-known movies, including Beauty and the Beast, Frozen, Star Wars: Episode VII -The Force Awakens, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. Disney distributes its films in multiple formats through a variety of channels, including DVD and Blu-ray disc sales, on-demand streaming services such as iTunes and Google Play, and subscription streaming services such as Netflix and Hulu.

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New research on legal aspects of exception for text and data mining in DSM directive – IP paradox

The concept of exceptions and imitations to copyright serve a critical role in the so-called intellectual property – and copyright – paradox. The paradox of intellectual property lies in a “system that promotes, or at least, aspires to promote knowledge by restricting it”.

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SWD IA on EU copyright modernisation – Impacts of option 2 on availability of EU AV on VOD

Stakeholders’ dialogue (Option 1) + Obligation for Member States to establish a negotiation mechanism to overcome obstacles to the availability of audiovisual works on VoD

The negotiation mechanism would exclusively address copyright-related issues and would complement measures provided for in the AVMS Directive review for the promotion of European works. The negotiation mechanism would address individual cases of lack of availability and complements the general approach pursued by the stakeholder dialogue.

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