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Category: Competition

The sale of affiliated companies can trigger conflict linked to “common” brand

Two Russian insurance companies fight in court because their trade names are very similar. The trade name of one company is “RusStateInsure” (abbreviated RSI) and the trade name of second company is so far “RSI life”. RusStateInsure has file a lawsuit against RSI life for trademark infringement and despite the decision of RSI to change its tradename, the RusStateInsure does not intends to withdraw the lawsuit.

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Draft opinion on regulation for online intermediation services

Platforms should be required to disclose the principles underlying the parameters determining ranking, but not the algorithms themselves, which should be considered to be trade secrets. It is similarly very important to distinguish between a transaction and the initiation of a transaction. A simple search for a product or service on a search engine should not be considered to be an initiation of a transaction but merely a request for information which could lead to the initiation of a transaction.

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RMLC and TMLC on collective rights management rules review

The producers and syndicators of programming obtain and license to the stations with which they contract all of the copyright and other rights necessary to broadcast the programming (including those for creative inputs such as a script, choreography, acting and directing), with the sole exception of the non-dramatic public performance rights to the copyrighted music therein.

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Russian ministry of economy negatively assessed proposed regulation of internet marketplace

This year Russian Federal Antitrust Service (FAS) has developed and proposed its fifth regulation packet for internet marketplace and digital environment in order to ensure health competition and good appropriate conditions for business development. But the Russian ministry of economy (MinCom) after duly review and analyse of proposed regulation has given it negative assessment.

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Russian cinemas asked the Russian authorities to forget about the quotas for movies

Recently Russian ministry of culture (MinCult) proposed to set up quotas for screening of movies in cinemas in Russia. Not more than 35% of all screenings for one movie, except the national one, i.e. produced in Russia. This proposal aimed to “support fair competition in Russian market” and provide equal screening opportunities for all movies.

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Russian ministry of culture considers another restriction of distribution for foreign movies

Russian ministry of culture (MinCult) has published amendments to the law on cinema. These amendments one more time confirm the special relation attitude of MinCult to the foreign movies, especially to Hollywood movies. Perhaps because the people prefer Hollywood movies which are demonstrated in Russian cinemas more often than Russian movies?

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