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Category: Competition

Russian patent service deprived 19 companies of the right to use brand under the place of origin

In Russia there is famous natural spring – Essentuki. The Russian mineral water under the brand Essentuki is produced there. Only couple manufacturers can use this brand simply because they have productions in Essentuki. They manufacture bottled water and sell it under the brand “Essentuki”. But it does not mean that other companies don’t want to use the known brand. They also produce water, despite the fact that their manufacturing located far from Essentuki.

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The law against ticket resellers has been adopted in first reading

The Russian state duma has adopted the draft law aiming to regulate tickets sales in first reading. The main purpose of law is to exclude intermediaries from ticket sales chain. Thanks to such intermediaries the ticket prices sometimes increase more than three times from initial, selling price. The Russian legislators intend to make such practice over. Actually the law does not contain mandatory procedure of sales, rather its provisions “describes” how tickets should be sold.

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EU exit UK IP draft regulations

A substantial part of the law on copyright in the UK is derived from EU law. There are 11 EU Directives all of which have been implemented by the UK. The purpose of the Directives is to harmonise the copyright frameworks in Member States, by reducing national discrepancies and maintaining a level of protection which encourages creativity and enables consumers from across the EU to access services.

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Russian state duma upheld the law on restrictions for news aggregators in Russia

The law on restrictions for news aggregators in Russia has passed first reading in Russian state duma. The amendments are to be made till the end of this year. The Russian IT company Yandex, operator and owner of service Yandex.News, and Russian ministry of communication (MinCom) did not like the draft law. Both believe the law provides excessive regulation.

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Shifting to Russian software is not so easy for Russian state companies

But the Russian government undertakes decisive step to make shifting from foreign to Russian software in Russian state companies completed in short term. One of such step has made first vice-premier and finance minister Anton Siluanov. He has singed directive prescribing Russian companies with state capital to complete shifting to Russian software in 2022 year. At least half of software, exploited by such companies, must be of Russian origin.

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Russia can cultivate alternatives to Facebook, Twitter and other means of mass communication

The deputy of Russian minister of communication believes the Russian and Chinese mass media faces unfair competition, but he did not mention who is guilty thereof. According to his words, the Russian and Chinese mass media also face restrictions in disseminating of information. He believes it is time to think on cultivation of domestic alternatives to Twitter, Facebook, Viber, WhatsApp and other means of mass communication. The blockings are not effective.

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