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Category: Audio-visual

Russian Roskomnadzor very carefully monitors pirated copies of “The Putin Interviews” in Internet

Russian Roskomnadzor requested more than 100 web-sites to restrict access to illegal copies of “The Putin Interview” by Oliver Stone. The exclusive rights in “Interview” have been acquired by Russian First Channel for Russian territory.

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Extending the scope of the geo-blocking prohibition: an economic assessment

On 25 May 2016, the European Commission presented a proposal for a regulation on addressing unjustified geo-blocking. New analytical paper illustrates the prevalence of geo-blocking in e-commerce and summarizes available relevant evidence. It also discusses the economic impact of lifting geo-blocking restrictions in online goods and copyrighted digital content services.

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How OTT-services, operating in Russia, will count viewers for regulation purposes?

Russian Roskomnadzor proposed instructions for OTT-(audio-visual)-services explaining how to count viewers visiting web-sites of such services. This instruction has been proposed in order to implement new law on OTT-(audio-visual)-services operating in Russia. This law provides regulation for popular services with audience more than 100 thousands viewers a day.

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