One company – Mars Incorporated – has registered the trademark for cat food in EU. The production of this company is sold and available in many markets, including Russian market. But this company is not only one trading cat food in Russia. There is also Russian company from Borisoglebsk town. This company also sells cat food in Russia. The ways of these companies in Russian market have crossed thanks to their trademarks.
Comments closedMonth: July 2018
The EU copyright legal framework harmonises rights of authors and neighbouring rightholders and seeks to harmonise “exceptions and limitations” to these rights, although most of them are optional for the MS to implement. An “exception” to an exclusive right means that a right holder is no longer in a position to authorise or prohibit the use of a work or other protected subject matter: the beneficiary of the exception is already authorised by law to do so.
Comments closedIn the case of an unpublished database, an applicant may register all of the copyrightable material that appeared in the database as of the date that the registration materials are received in the U.S. Copyright Office. In the case of a published database, an applicant may register all of the copyrightable material that was first published on the date specified in the application.
Comments closedThe new law has been signed by Russian president. Under new law if search engine fails to connect to the federal data bases, containing the list of web-sites which is blocked in Russia, the search engine is to be imposed a penalty. In a case of natural person the penalty is up to 5 thousands Roubles, and in a case of legal entity the penalty is up to 700 thousands Roubles.
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