The new law has been signed by Russian president. Under new law if search engine fails to connect to the federal data bases, containing the list of web-sites which is blocked in Russia, the search engine is to be imposed a penalty. In a case of natural person the penalty is up to 5 thousands Roubles, and in a case of legal entity the penalty is up to 700 thousands Roubles.
If search engine fails to cease indexing, or said otherwise not to show in search results, the links to web-sites or web-pages blocked in Russia, the search engine is to be imposed a penalty. In a case of natural person the penalty is up to 5 thousands Roubles, and in a case of legal entity the penalty is up to 700 thousands Roubles.
If hosting provider fails to provide the Roskomnadzor in time with data enabling to identify the owner or operator of web-site or web-resource, which is to be blocked in Russia, the hosting provider is to be imposed a penalty. In case of natural person the penalty is up to 35 thousands Roubles and in a case of legal entity the penalty is up to 300 thousands Roubles.